Phase III clinical trial - Sarcomes

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Randomized Phase III Study of Oral Cyclophosphamide vs Doxorubicin in 65 Years or Older Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcoma: a UNICANCER/GERICO Multicenter Program
Description de l'essai
Most advanced or metastatic soft tissue sarcoma (STS) are unfortunately incurable, making the preservation of the patient's quality of life a major goal, along with prolonging survival.;Age is not a criterion for not providing effective treatment, but the goals of treatment change with age and must be integrated into the treatment decision. Elderly patients prioritise a life free of dependency, preservation of their cognitive functions and quality of life related to their state of health. They are therefore reluctant to receive a treatment that does little to improve life expectancy at the cost of significant functional losses.;Patients aged 65 years and older account for one third of all patients with STS. In the absence of dedicated recommendations, these elderly patients are currently receiving doxorubicin-based chemotherapy as first-line treatment (as recommended for younger patients), with a substantial risk of toxicity (especially cardiac). In this specific population, previous studies have shown that oral cyclophosphamide seems to have a promising activity, but also a very acceptable toxicity.;Thus, the GERICO study aims to compare standard doxorubicin chemotherapy with oral cyclophosphamide for the treatment of elderly patients with STS.
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