
ADIC officially represents PhDs, PostDocs and every other young researcher of Institut Curie. Its mission is to help young researchers from the institute to integrate into the scientific community, to promote networking possibilities and to provide visibility for the Institute.

ADIC board 2020

ADIC (Association of PhD students and young Post-Docs of the Institut Curie) was established in 1997. Officially supported by Institut Curie, its objectives are:

  • Uniting and REPRESENTING PhD students and post-docs of Institut Curie working in all disciplines offered on all of Institut Curie’s campus, including both research and clinical units.
  • STRENGTHENING the participation of young researchers in the scientific life at Institut Curie.
  • GATHERING diverse expertise and SUPPORTING students’ career development at Institut Curie while establishing a network.
  • IMPROVING the PhD experience.

These objectives are all carried out  in our different enriching projects that have been going on for many years including the following:

  • Professional breakfast as an interface between academics and industry.
  • International congress in life sciences for young researchers.
  • Forum-Biotechno to promote networking between young scientists and professionals from diverse fields.
  • Joint Young Scientist Retreat in collaboration with another European research institution to boost interactions and collaborations amongst young scientists. 
  • French lessons to help foreign students to accustom in the French culture.
  • Seminars during lunch time to provide young researchers the opportunity to present their work in an informal environment.
  • Networking for Post-Docs to promote potential collaborations at any level.
  • Happy fridays and social gatherings to promote the interaction among researchers of Institut Curie in a more relaxing and fun environment.


ADIC has been able to maintain the success of all events thanks to the financial help of the Direction at Institut Curie head by Dr. Bruno Goud, and the Training Unit head by Dr. Graça Raposo. Additionally, ADIC receives funds from the LabEx DEEP, CeltisPhyBio and CDbiol for carrying out the Young Scientist Retreat. ADIC has also received a subvention from PSL to support the Forum BioTechno of 2019 that is to be held on the 14th of June.


Email: u-adic@curie.fr

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