Clinical study - Appareil pulmonaire

Appareil pulmonaire
Essai clinique fermé
Public cible
A Non-interventional Biomarker Study on the;Molecular Evaluation of Archival Tumor Tissue in;Subjects with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer;(NSCLC)
Description de l'essai
In this non-interventional biomarker study, an archival tumor sample (collected within;5 years of enrollment) will be submitted for central laboratory testing with the;therascreen« KRAS RGQ PCR kit to identify the KRAS G12C mutation status of;non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) subjects. KRAS G12C mutation status may be;considered by physicians to determine future treatment options for patients. This;biomarker study is not associated with a per protocol defined prescription of a medicinal;product and does not intend to decide on an assignment of the subject to a particular;interventional strategy.
Investigateur principal