Phase II clinical trial - Appareil pulmonaire

Appareil pulmonaire
Ouvert depuis le: 07.27.2024
Site: Paris
Public cible
A Phase 2 Randomized Double-blind Study of Relatlimab Plus Nivolumab in Combination With Chemotherapy vs. Nivolumab in Combination With Chemotherapy as First Line Treatment for Participants With Stage IV or Recurrent Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Description de l'essai
The purpose of this study is to assess the safety profile of nivolumab plus relatlimab in combination with platinum doublet chemotherapy (PDCT) and to determine if nivolumab plus relatlimab in combination with PDCT improves progression free survival (PFS) when compared to nivolumab plus PDCT in participants with previously untreated Stage IV or recurrent non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Investigateur principal