Clinical study - Gynécologie - Ovaires

GREAT 1550-C081
Gynécologie - Ovaires
Essai clinique fermé
Public cible
Genomic BRCA and Extensive ovArian cancer Testing
Description de l'essai
A better understanding of ovarian cancer genomics and its impact on;the evolution of the disease will be important to adapt the indications of the drugs,;improve patient care and predict future therapies. As well;GREAT's main objective is to build a clinical-biological database that;correlates the clinical and evolving characteristics of patients with;ovarian cancer based on genomic and molecular tumor abnormalities;Detected.;Main objective:;To assess the clinical and evolutionary characteristics of patients based on the presence of a;BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation or tumor biological abnormalities beyond BRCA;likely to have a therapeutic impact.;Secondary objectives:;À Assess the real-life care of the patients included in the project and;including the type of BRCA test performed (tumor and/or germinal);À To evaluate the implementation of the BRCA tumor test circuit recommended by INCa for;patients at diagnosis;À To participate in the development of future therapies in ovarian cancer by;a bank of tumor samples that will enable the implementation of the;further cross-sectional exploratory research
Investigateur principal
Investigateur principal