Phase I/II clinical trial - Pédiatrie Tumeurs solides

Pédiatrie Tumeurs solides
Essai clinique fermé
Public cible
A Study to Test the Safety of the Investigational Drug Loxo-195 in Children and Adults That May Treat Cancer
Description de l'essai
This research study is done to test the safety of the new drug Loxo-195 in children and adults with cancer having a change in a particular gene (NTRK1, NTRK2 or NTRK3). The drug may treat cancer by interfering with the effect of the NTRK genes on cancer growth. The study also investigates how the drug is absorbed and processed in the human body, and how well and for how long the cancer responds to the drug. This is the first study to test Loxo-195 in humans with cancer, for whom no other effective therapy exists.
Investigateur principal