Clinical study - Pédiatrie Analgésie

Pédiatrie Analgésie
Ouvert depuis le: 07.27.2024
Site: Paris
Public cible
Diagnostic of Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy in Children (SUDOPED)
Description de l'essai
The purpose of this study is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of a newly developed tool (Electrochemical Skin Conductances (ESC) measurement) easy-to-perform, non-invasive, highly reproductible and not requiring specific training, to identify pediatric chemotherapy-induced-peripheral-neuropathies (CIPN). CIPN are a frequent (20 to 75% depending on the drug), early and potentially severe long-lasting and dose limiting adverse effect of treatments in immuno-hematology and cancerology. The pathophysiology, the chronology of injury (ie small then large sensory nerve fiber or vice-versa) and the age-related short/long-term impact on peripheral nerves remain largely not understood. Clinical signs of CIPN are highly heterogenous, often under-recognized and include diverse sensory symptoms and pain. Persistent loss of sensation and strength as well as neuropathic pain may have a short/long-term impact in term of functional limitations and quality of life. There is a lack of specific and sensitive measurement tools for CIPN in the pediatric population. Neurophysiological tools (except electro-neuro-myography allowing only the assessment of large myelinated nerves) are not implemented in the pediatric oncology-hematology everyday practice: they are often invasive and/or poorly reproducible, not accessible for "bedside" follow-up, and lacking normative values, thus often dedicated only to research. ESC may provide an early and quantitative assessment of small fiber dysfunction in children, a prerequisite for the identification of additional preventive or curative approaches in CIPN.