
Scroll down to learn more about the events happening during 2021 in ADIC!

ADIC board 2020

Young Scientists Retreat

Together with another prestigious European research institution, ADIC organizes an annual joint young scientists retreat. Supported by the Training Unit, the purpose of this retreat is to get together in a relaxed environment to discuss science, participate in career development workshops, as well as other interactive activities, and build a professional network with both young and senior scientists.


    Due to Covid19 pandemics, the retreat for 2020 didn't take place! However, stay tuned for next year! 

    Contact email: alba.de-juan@curie.fr


    ReSiPi and Ratatouille Seminars

    ReSiPi (Research, Science & Pizza) and Ratatouille seminars aim to provide a platform for young researchers willing to present their work in an informal manner while sharing pizzas with their colleagues. The ReSiPi seminars take place in the Orsay campus and the Ratatouille seminars are organized in the Paris campus. 

    Due to Covid19 pandemics, for the first time we have joint ReSiPi-Ratatouille webinars! Contact us if you want to present your work in a relaxed environment. 



    ReSiPi contact email: jeremy.raymond@curie.fr 


    Ratatouille contact email: mathieu.schulz@curie.fr 


    Young Researchers in Life Sciences (YRLS)

    As a member of the YRLS Federation, ADIC helps to organize the YRLS conferences every year. This 3-day conference aims to provide young researchers with a favorable scientific environment for discussion and presentation of their work and allows them to build a network.

    The YRLS 2020 was supposed to take place 10th - 12th of June 2020 at Institut Necker Enfants Malades (INEM). Due to Covid19 pandemics, it was canceled. 


    Contact email: satish.kailasam@curie.fr


    Petits Déjeuners professionnels

    Professional breakfasts are a great opportunity for young researchers to meet with professionals who obtained their PhD in academia and are now working in non-academic positions. These meetings take place every two months and the location changes every time, but always in the area of Paris, as this event is co-organized by different associations within Paris:



    Contact email: shauna.katz@curie.fr


    Post-docs activities

    Recently, a network for post-docs at the Institut Curie has been established with the objective of promoting post-doc involvement in ADIC and Institut Curie. The main points covered during these meetings are networking opportunities between post-docs, and more efficient transfer of information about the wide variety of training courses already being offered at Institut Curie.

    Contact email: alison.forrester@curie.fr


    YUMP event

    An embryonic and exciting novel collaboration between the associations of young researchers from Imagine (YR2I), Institut Cochin (JeCCo), Institut Pasteur (StaPa) and Institut Curie (ADIC) is on! The collaboration is entitled: Young researchers Union Meetings in Paris -  YUMP!

    To foment the communication among the different institutes, a first meeting was organized on April 3rd 2019 at Institut Curie. During the event, several students from the different research institutes participated in a session of flash-talks of 3-5 min each, and afterwards all the participants shared a cocktail to get to know each other and create a bigger and stronger network. Since then, three more events have been organized at Institut Cochin, Institut Pasteur and Institut Imagine. 

    Future events will be organized very soon so stay tuned if you do not want to miss them!

    Contact email: alba.de-juan@curie.fr


      French Classes

      Together with the Training Unit, ADIC organizes French language courses annually for all members of Institut Curie willing to learn French or improve their French level.

      These classes happen in an enriching learning environment with people from many backgrounds and countries. As you can see in the statistics from this year, participants have different positions at Curie and they come from all over the world! So remember, there is no excuse not to learn French!

      Contact email: dalila.saulebekova@curie.fr

      • French classes


      Forum Biotechno

      Forum BIOTechno takes place once a year in different cities around France and aims at encouraging interaction between young researchers and the different actors of the biotechnology field and other related fields. This event helps young researchers with their career development through discussions about innovation, technology, transfer, consulting and management.

      Biotechno paris


      Contact email: anne-celine.derrien@curie.fr


      Happy Friday

      Happy Fridays take place every second Friday from 6 to 8 pm at Green Cafe or Chez Marie at the Paris campus. This event allows you to meet and discuss with colleagues at the end of the week or even between two experiments.

      Contact email: nathan.alary@curie.fr



      French café

      If you are already at a basic level of French (A2) and would like to improve your interaction skills, then French café is the perfect activity for you! This activity happens regularly in BDD cafeteria in Paris site, in which we organize activities to improve create a conversational environment. 


      Contact email: annabelle.suisse@curie.fr


      Apéros and Parties

      Regular Aperos and Parties are organized throughout the year. They take place at "Chez Marie" in the Paris campus and are a great opportunity to meet colleagues from Paris, Orsay and Saint‐Cloud. 

      Contact email: nathan.alary@curie.fr