Music and science: when two worlds meet


Acclaimed scientific journal Nature ran a feature on the Muse-IC project’s original experiment led by Institut Curie and biophysicist Judith Miné-Hattab for leading laboratory Labex Deep (Institut Curie/PSL)

Concert MuseIC

In its 9 May 2019 issue, scientific journal Nature reported back on the incredible Muse-IC project, which culminated in a public concert held in Paris in March 12th 2019. Muse-IC asked six composers to compose music inspired by a recent scientific finding. The composers drew inspiration from one of over 15 different recent findings showcased at Institut Curie’s Research Center, the French Institute for Space Astrophysics and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States).

After a fascinating and highly inspiring collaborative process between musicians and researchers, a concert was held in March 2019, providing a platform for promoting both contemporary music and accessible science. Organized by Garance Alberman, the project’s artistic director, the event raised public awareness of the importance of fundamental science in our society.

The pieces were performed by acclaimed musicians and members of the Radio France Philharmonic Orchestra and the Orchestre National de France.

As well as being a talented musician, Judith Miné-Hattab is a biophysicist and part of Angela Taddei’s Nucleus Dynamics team (UMR3664 CNRS/Institut Curie). Muse-IC is a “Aux Frontières des Labex” project run by PSL (Université Paris Sciences et Lettres).