Our supporters


Since Institut Curie is an internationally renowned and essential player in research and innovation against cancer, foreign foundations and companies choose to support us in our fight to stamp out cancer.

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Companies abroad

If you would like to encourage your company and other employees at your company to donate to Institut Curie, you may use the Benevity platform and network: benevity.com.

Benevity provides companies with a secure platform that allows employees to support causes around the world that matter to them with easy, open-choice online giving and gift-matching opportunities. Institut Curie has been vetted as a beneficiary.



Several foreign foundations support Institut Curie:

  • Fondation Philanthropia

In 2013, the Fondation Philanthropia supported the creation of the adolescent and young-adult unit at Institut Curie, the third unit of this type to be opened in France, now caring for some 100 young patients each year.

In 2016, the Fondation Philanthropia decided to give three years of support to the DECLIC program, an innovative therapeutic education program dedicated to cancer pain.

  • The Annenberg Foundation

A patron to Institut Curie since 2011, Gregory Annenberg Weingarten, Vice President and Director of the Annenberg Foundation, decided in 2016 to renew his support for five years to the translational research lab in pediatric oncology, led by pediatrician and researcher Gudrun Schleiermacher, through his initiative GRoW@Annenberg.

  • The Chercher et Trouver Foundation

The Chercher et Trouver Foundation supports research into lung cancer at Institut Curie.

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