Our Governance


Institut Curie’s governance includes a Supervisory Board, a Scientific Advisory Board, an Executive Board, and three entities, namely the Hospital Group, the Research Center and the Head Office.

Gouvernance 2024
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Supervisory Board

The main purpose of the Supervisory Board is to control the management bodies and ensure the proper management of the Executive Board. It is assisted by 3 ad hoc committees.

Three founding members acting in an advisory capacity 

• Prof. Yasmine Belkaïd, representing Institut Pasteur

• Marc Joliot, chairman of the Ethics Committee and great-grandson of Marie Curie, member of the Institut Curie Supervisory Board

• Daniel Thierry, representing the Rothschild family, President of the Supervisory Board

Six ex-officio members acting in an advisory capacity

• Dr Nicolas Albin, representing the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation

• Prof. Didier Samuel, representing the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm)

• Henri-Michel Comet, representing the French Ministry of the Interior

• Dominique Joseph, representing the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE)

• Prof. Norbert Ifrah, representing the French National Cancer Institute (INCa)

• Yvan de Launoit, representing the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)

Five experts acting in an advisory capacity

• Frédéric Donnedieu de Vabres, vice-chairman of the supervisory board

• Pascale Richetta

• Geneviève Berger

• Sylvie Billion

• Hervé Le Floc’h

Four staff representatives acting in an advisory capacity 

College of staff Representative

• Sébastien Goud

• Valérie Sire-Trotin

Representatives of scientific and medical staf

• Prof. Nathalie Cassoux for the Hospital Group

• Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou for the Research Center

Six other members with voting rights 

• Prof. El Mouhoub Mouhoud, representating (acting) PSL

• Samuel Guibal, representing the Paris Local Education Authority

• Prof. Matthieu Resche-Rigon, representing the Université de Paris Cité

• Marie-Christine Lemardeley, representing the city of Paris

• Jean-Christophe Pierson, representing the city of Saint-Cloud

• Eleonore Wormser


The fonctions of the Supervisory Board members are exercised free of charge.


The Supervisory Board is assisted by three ad hoc committees

The Audit and Finance Committee

This committee is in charge of helping the Supervisory Board and facilitating its decision-making in the following areas: monitoring financial strategy; accounts and financial information; annual budget and budget monitoring; investment projects; internal control and risk prevention.

The Compensation Committee

This committee is in charge of issuing opinions and recommendations to the Supervisory Board on: the remuneration of members of the Executive Board; the remuneration and exceptional bonuses for the posts of directors and those defined by its operating charter; the remuneration and profit-sharing policy for Institut Curie staff; the compensation policy for members of the Scientific Advisory Board; and the policy for the reimbursement of expenses.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is responsible for defining and maintaining the ethical values of Institut Curie. It reports to the Supervisory Board on all its work. Its work is backed up by the Ethics Commission for the Medical Care of Patients and Relatives, the Ethics Committee on Animal Experimentation (CEEA) and the Institutional Ethics Commission.


The Scientific Advisory Board

 The Scientific Advisory Board is comprised of international experts – particularly in the field of oncology research – from outside Institut Curie. It provides strategic guidance on the institute’s general focus and agenda.

Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board: Prof. Edith Heard

Find out more about the Scientific Advisory Board


The Executive Board

The Executive Board is tasked with the administration and management of Institut Curie in conjunction with the directors of the Hospital Group, the Research Center and the Head Office. It is vested with wide-ranging powers to take action in all circumstances on behalf of the foundation. Members of the Executive Board are appointed for a renewable period of 6 years.

Chairman of the Executive Board: Prof. Alain Puisieux

Members :

Coralie Chevallier;

Eric Nicolas.


Research Center

With an international reputation, the Research Center brings together 86 scientific teams whose work aims to better understand the functioning of life. The Director of the Research Center is elected every 5 years by the Executive Board.

Deputy Director: Tatiana Malherbe

Find out more about the Research Center


Hospital Group

With its high-tech equipment, the Hospital Group treats all types of cancer, including the rarest. It is a leader in the treatment of breast cancer, ophthalmological cancer, sarcoma and pediatric cancer. The director of the Hospital Group is elected every 5 years by the Executive Board.

Director: Prof : Pr Steven Le Gouill.

Deputy Director : Anne-Claire de Reboul

He is supported by a board comprising the site directors respectively for Paris, Prof. Nathalie Cassoux, for Saint-Cloud, Prof. Laurence Bozec and for Orsay, Dr. Rémi Dendale, and the director of Nursing Care, Sabine Belorgey.

Find out more about the Hospital Group


Head Office

The Head Office is the one of the three entities that ensures the coherence of the Institut Curie's different activities.

As such, it :

Manages and coordinates shared services

Ensures the protection and enhancement of tangible and intangible assets

Ensures compliance of activities

Ensures that resources specific to the Head Office and essential to the Institut Curie's economic equilibrium are made available.

Guarantees the Institut Curie's financial reporting

Ensures that the decisions of the relevant governance bodies are implemented.

Generally speaking, it provides expertise, promotes project-based management and supports all activities linked to the Hospital Group and the Research Centre.

► Head office management :

Finance Department (Elisabeth Borouchaki);

Human Resources Department (Stéphane Lacroix);

Operations Department (Jean-Robert Greslin);

Digital Transformation Department (Julien Dufour);

Legal Department (Régine Borgeot);

Donor Relations Department (Agnès Hubert);

Communications Department (Séverine Salmagne);

International Relations Department;

Curie Museum (Renaud Huynh);

Internal Audit (Cécile Audebaud).


► The Deputy Director of Head Office, Dr Amaury Martin, oversees :

the Datas Department (Julien Guerin) ;

the Valorisation and Industrial Relations Department (Dr Cécile Campagne);

the Management Delegated to Projects Development (Dr Véronique Gillon).