Tax provisions


If you are a taxpayer in France, each donation to Institut Curie can be subject to a tax deduction of 66% to 75% of the amount of your donation. Are you a resident abroad wishing to support Institut Curie? No problem! The tax provisions encourage your generosity.

déduire son don de ses impôts

If you live in France

  • If you are subject to income tax: the tax reduction is worth up to 66% of the amount of your donation, limited to 20% of your taxable income.

For example, if you make a donation of €60, it will cost you only €20.40, but the full €60 will go to research and innovation in the field of cancer.

  • If you are subject to the ISF wealth tax: by supporting Institut Curie, you will receive a tax reduction of 75% of the amount of your donation, limited to €50,000.


If you live elsewhere

  • in Europe 

Institut Curie is part of the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network of 19 countries. Through this network, you can send your donation safely to the partner foundation in your country of residence, which will issue you a tax certificate and submit your donation to Institut Curie. 

For more information, visit the TGE website or contact us directly.

nous soutenir depuis l'europe

Pays européens dans lesquels vous pouvez bénéficier d'avantages fiscaux en donnant à l'Institut Curie / European countries with tax benefits for donations to Institut Curie


  • In the United States

Institut Curie’s partner foundation in the United States, the King Baudouin Foundation United States, allows you to support the activities of Institut Curie while enjoying the benefits of the US tax regime.

Make your donation from the United States:

- By credit/debit card directly on the page dedicated to Institut Curie

- By check (payable to: KBFUS; Memo: American Friends of Institut Curie), to be sent to KBFUS, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, 16th floor, New York, NY 10020

- By bank transfer For more information: or (212) 713 7660


  • For taxpayers subject to ISF (French wealth tax)

If you are not a resident of France and on 01/01/2017 you own net taxable assets with a value higher than €1.3 million for your assets located in France, you are subject to the ISF tax in France.

If you do not have income from a French source, you must file an ISF declaration along with the relevant appendices and any required supporting materials, accompanied with payment, at the latest on 17 July 2017.


Votre contact

Service relation donateur
01 56 24 55 66