Phase I/II clinical trial - Pédiatrie Tumeurs solides

CA045-020 (PIVOT IO 020)
Pédiatrie Tumeurs solides
Essai clinique fermé
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Phase 1/2 Study of Bempegaldesleukin in Combination with Nivolumab in Children,;Adolescents, and Young Adults with Recurrent or Refractory Malignancies (PIVOT IO 020)
Description de l'essai
CA045-020 is an open-label, sequential-arm Phase 1b/2 clinical trial of bempegaldesleukin in;combination with nivolumab in pediatric participants with malignant neoplasms that are refractory,;relapsed, or participants for whom curative treatments are lacking.;Because pediatric participants vary in age and weight, the starting doses of nivolumab will be;determined separately based on age or weight. Participants aged < 12 years or weighing < 40 kg;will be given a weight-based dose of nivolumab and participants aged = 12 years and;weighing = 40 kg will be given a flat dose of nivolumab
Investigateur principal