Phase III clinical trial - Hématologie Myélome

MIDAS (IFM 202-02)
Hématologie Myélome
Ouvert depuis le: 05.12.2024
Site: Paris
Public cible
MInimal Residual Disease Adapted Strategy: Frontline Therapy for Patients Eligible for Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation Less Than 66 Years; a Prospective Study.
Description de l'essai
IFM 2020-02 will enroll patients eligible for ASCT less than 66 years. All patients will receive induction based on 6 cycles (28-day) of KRD-Isatuximab (Isa-KRD), in order to achieve deep responses and high MRD negativity rates. Patients will be classified at diagnosis according to cytogenetics (standard vs high-risk cytogenetics defined by the LP score including 17p deletion, t(4;14), del(1p32), gain 1q, trisomy 21 and trisomy 5).
Investigateur principal