Phase II clinical trial - Appareil pulmonaire

SAFIR 02 Lung
Appareil pulmonaire
Essai clinique fermé
Public cible
Evaluation of the Efficacy of High Throughput Genome Analysis as a Therapeutic Decision Tool for Patients With Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (Intergroup Trial UNICANCER UC 0105-1305/ IFCT 1301: SAFIR02_Lung)
Description de l'essai
Open label multicentric randomized phase II trial, using high throughput genome analysis as a therapeutic decision tool, aimed at comparing a targeted treatment administered according to the identified molecular anomalies of the tumor with a standard treatment (pemetrexed in Non-squamous patients and erlotinib in squamous cells, targeted substudy 1) as well as immunotherapy with maintenance therapy in patients without actionable genomic alterations or non eligible to substudy 1 (immune substudy 2).
Investigateur principal