
The year 2018 is now firmly established in the history of Institut Curie as the year of establishing the new governance, and the recognition of a state-of-the-art and forward-looking foundation, while remaining faithful to the original Marie Curie model. 2018 is also at the heart of the implementation of the establishment project, illustrated by competitive research, an international openness and the obtaining of the title of Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Rapport annuel 2018

The aim of the Executive Board remains to develop a fundamental, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary research center at an international level, to foster links with the Hospital Group through further research, and develop high-level clinical research to make Institut Curie a Comprehensive Cancer Center at the highest international level.

Prof. Thierry Philip, Chairman of the Executive Board of Institut Curie

The Executive Board was appointed in May 2018. It is chaired by Prof. Thierry Philip, former Chairman of the Board of Directors. Members include, Hervé Le Floc'h, Prof. Djillali Annane and Prof. Dominique Deville de Périère. The directors of the three entities (the Research Center, the Hospital Group and the Head Office) participate in all sessions of the Executive Board and hold a broad delegation that focuses on management of human resources and provides budgeting for their respective entities.

Several projects attracted the attention of the Executive Board during 2018:.

  • As a founding member, Institut Curie has been associated for several years with the PSL (Paris University of Research of Sciences and Letters). PSL University, having in the course of the year 2018 defined its first draft statutes, worked with Institut Curie to examine its mode of collaborative association. The main question posed was “how to continue to participate in the construction of productive projects while preserving the autonomy of our centenary private foundation?”
  • The search for a new Director for the Research Center and the appointment of Prof. Alain Puisieux who will take up his duties on September 1, 2019.
  • Finally, the future of Institut Curie depends on the generosity of our donors. 2018 has been a particularly difficult year due to several tax reforms, and although our collection model is not at issue at the moment, we are working on the evolution of collection methods.


Institut Curie key figures

Institut Curie Key Figures
Institut Curie Key Figures
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