Making the first appointment at Institut Curie


To obtain a consultation at Institut Curie, you must first make an appointment.

Prendre rendez-vous à l'Institut Curie
Move on directly to section


Paris Hospital

  • You can request an initial appointment by completing the appointments form on line
  • You can request an initial appointment by calling Paris hospital: +33 (0)1 56 24 59 14 (Monday - Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm – Paris time)
  • Link to our doctors page
  • Find out more on the management of skin cancer at Institut Curie
  • Prepare your arrival : all the formalities

Saint-Cloud hospital

  • You can request an initial appointment by calling Saint-Cloud hospital: +33 (0)1 47 71 91 12 (Monday - Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm – Paris time)
  • You can request an initial appointment by completing the appointments form on line
  • Link to our doctors page
  • Find out more on the management of skin cancer at Institut Curie
  • Prepare your arrival : all the formalities

Digestive tumors

This specialty includes tumors of the esophagus, stomach and intestine (small intestine, colon, rectum and anal canal), liver, peritoneum, pancreas and biliary tracts.

Paris site:

Saint-Cloud site


Neuroendocrine tumors (carcinoid, insulinoma, glucagonoma, gastrinoma, VIPoma, somatostatinoma) are treated at our Saint-Cloud site.


The purpose of a genetics consultation is to assess a cancer risk by considering the patient’s personal and family history, and by performing genetic tests, generally from a blood sample. Another goal is to make appropriate treatment recommendations. Outpatients are given a questionnaire about personal and family history and their reason for seeking a consultation, which is used to make an initial analysis and decide whether or not a consultation is indicated. The questionnaire can also be used to assess whether a relative, for whom genetic testing would be the first line of treatment, should also seek a consultation.

To find out whether a genetic consultation at Institut Curie is indicated in your case, please download and fill out the attached questionnaire and then send it to the address below:

Service de Génétique, Unité de Génétique Clinique, 26 rue d'Ulm, 75248 Paris cedex 5, France

Consultations take place at two sites: Paris 5 and Saint-Cloud. If you are offered an appointment, the site that we spcify will depend on the predisposition in question and your address.

You will receive an answer as promptly as possible (link to the questionnaire for download).

Paris site

See our physician specialists and our genetic advisors

Saint-Cloud site

See our physician specialists and our genetic advisors


This specialty includes tumors of the uterus (cervix, endometrium), vagina, vulva, fallopian tube and ovary.
Paris site

Site de Saint Cloud :


This specialty includes treatment of lymphoma and lymphoproliferative syndromes (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), monoclonal spikes and myelomas, myelodysplastic syndromes and intensive chemotherapy with autografting. Our Saint-Cloud site also treats acute leukemia and myeloproliferative disorders.

Site de Paris

Site de Saint-Cloud


This specialty includes brain tumors, meningeal tumors, pituitary adenomas, chordomas, and tumors of the spinal cord and the base of the skull.

Site de Paris

Site de Saint-Cloud


This specialty includes tumors of the eyelid, the eye (uvea, retina, choroid) and the socket.

Ophthalmology consultations take place at the Paris site only. To make an appointment, you should be referred by a physician.


This specialty includes tumors of the head and neck: tongue, tonsils, nose and sinus, pharynx and larynx, soft tissues of the face and neck, thyroid, and lymph nodes in the neck.

Site de Paris

Site de Saint-Cloud


Pediatrics treats children up to age 15. The adolescents and young adults unit (AYA) treats patients aged 16 to 25.

Pediatric consultations take place at the Paris site only. To make an appointment, you must be referred by a physician.

Respiratory medicine

This specialty includes tumors of the lung and the pleura.

Paris site
The Chest Center The Chest Center includes specialists from Institut Curie and from the Institut Mutualiste Montsouris. (Link to presentation of the Chest Center). Depending on the type of treatment required, for your first consultation you will be sent to either the Curie site or the Institut Mutualist Montsouris.

Site de Saint-Cloud


Site de Paris

Site de saint-Cloud


Paris site
In order to obtain a senology appointment, you must have the results of a recent mammogram.

Site de Saint-Cloud

Supportive care

Supportive care is reserved for patients who are in treatment or in follow-up at Institut Curie. To receive supportive care, please contact the referring physician or the care team.

Site de Paris

Site de Saint-Cloud


This specialty includes tumors of the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder and prostate.

Formalities for your first appointment

Arriving at a hospital that you don’t know for your first appointment can be a stressful experience. Our staff are there to guide you at each step. Before you come, make sure you prepare your records with all the items that may be requested at your appointment.

Administrative formalities

On your first visit, don’t forget to bring the following required documents:

  • Your appointment letter
  • Copies of all examinations and tests done (X-rays, biology and imaging results, consultation reviews, information about past and ongoing treatments etc.)
  • National identity card, residence permit, or passport copy.
  • Proof of residency with current address.
  • Social security card (for French citizens: “carte Vitale” with proof of validity), for European citizens the E112/S2 form, as these. Documents are essential in terms of costs coverage.
  • If available, please bring your Private Health coverage card.
  • Should you have an appointment with our Outpatient Surgery Department, please bring your private healthcare approval to cover the costs or fees of the price-per-day

When you arrive at the hospital

A receptionist will welcome you at 26 Rue d'Ulm (Paris 5th arrondissement) or 35 rue Dailly (92210 Saint-Cloud) and record your admission.

A receptionist will welcome you at 26 Rue d'Ulm (Paris 5th arrondissement) or 35 rue Dailly (92210 Saint-Cloud) and record your admission.

Note: at the Paris hospital, people with reduced mobility should go to reception at 8, rue Louis Thuillier to access all the hospital facilities.

The Patient Administrative Office will create your administrative file, record your contact information, and provide you with an ID card that shows your case number. You must bring this card to all appointments.

At the end of the consultation, your future appointments for check-ups or treatment will be organized by the Appointments Office or by the medical assistant who assisted your doctor during the consultation.

Formalités premier rendez-vous à l'Institut Curie
Votre premier rendez-vous : ce qu'il faut savoir
Notre personnel est là pour vous guider à chaque étape.
Soins de support
Les différents modes d'hospitalisation
A chaque mode d’hospitalisation correspond une prise en charge spécifique.
Accompagnement social à l'Institut Curie
L'accompagnement pendant les traitement
L'Institut Curie offre un accompagnement au long cours.

Vous avez besoin d'un transport pour rentrer chez vous après une opération, ou pour des soins loin de votre domicile ? L'Assurance Maladie peut prendre en charge le remboursement de vos frais de transport si votre état de santé le justifie et à certaines conditions.