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Complementary approaches at Institut Curie
Paris : 01 44 32 40 81
Saint-Cloud : 01 47 11 23 40

In addition to oncology care, Institut Curie offers complementary, non drug dependent approaches to help patients regain more mental and physical well-being, as well as relieve fatigue, certain pains, and side effects of treatments.
Highly popular today, they are proposed by medical or paramedical practitioners of complementary therapies in hospitals, clinics, during the stay or as part of external consultation, sometimes in an associative setting:
- Hypnosis is a state of altered consciousness between wakefulness and sleep induced by a trained practitioner. The hypnotherapist guides the patient through verbal suggestions towards a secure mental environment that allows them to regain control of their well-being.
Acupuncture is a therapeutic discipline from the Chinese medical tradition. The practitioner stimulates specific points of the patient's body by using a thin needle, by heat (maxibustion) or by electrostimulation.
Namely: 15 to 20% of patients treated with chemotherapy take advantage of acupuncture in France.
- Auriculotherapy is a reflexotherapy technique applied to the ear, also called auricular acupuncture. The practitioner stimulates, by needle prick or by electrostimulation, specific areas of the patient's ear.
Relaxation is a therapeutic method aimed at physical and emotional relaxation. The practitioner accompanies the patient in abdominal breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and concentration on body sensations.
Namely: The improvement of the emotional state and the quality of life of women treated for breast cancer by relaxation has been observed by several studies.études.
- Sophrology is a simple method of harmonizing the body and mind inspired by relaxation. The practitioner guides the patient through breathing techniques, emotion management, awareness of body sensations, and visualization of soothing images.
Other approaches are also offered to patients by Institut Curie - support for cancer management: Qi gong, art therapy, reflexology, beauty tips, DO IN, etc.