Data types

Data types

A chaque étape de la prise en charge d’un patient et jusqu’à l’administration de son traitement, des données sont produites et peuvent ainsi être collectées pour un usage de recherche, en respectant les droits du patient : l’informer et s’assurer de sa non-opposition. L’Entrepôt de données de santé de l’Institut Curie intègre les données de santé de plus de 580 000 patients. Découvrez le type de données disponibles à l’Institut Curie.

At every stage in a patient's care, right up to the administration of treatment, data is generated and can be collected for research purposes, while respecting the patient's rights to be informed and ensure that he or she does not object. Institut Curie's Health Data Warehouse integrates the health data of over 580,000 patients. Discover the type of data available at Institut Curie.

Clinical data, radiological imaging data, digitized slides and omics1 data... Over the past 25 years, 580,000 patients have been monitored at Institut Curie, generating almost 20 million medical documents.

Every day, thousands of new reports and data from hospital databases are collected in Institut Curie's Health Data Warehouse2. This data is collected in complete security, while respecting the patient's rights: to be informed and to ensure that he or she has not objected.


Chaque jour, des milliers de nouveaux comptes-rendus ou données issus des bases hospitalières sont collectés au sein de l’Entrepôt de données de santé de l’Institut Curie2. Ces données sont recueillies en toute sécurité et en respectant les droits du patient : l’informer et s’assurer qu’il ne s’est pas opposé.

1"Omics" data capture information on biological processes taking place at different scales of the cell (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics).

2 Institut Curie's Health Data Warehouse is scheduled to go into official operation in 2025.

Types of data:

Clinical data: 

  • Demographic data
  • Medico-administrative data (ISMP3, stays, etc.)
  • Management data (diagnoses and procedures, treatments, biological results, etc.)
  • Medical reports (textual data)
  • Clinical trials database
  • Retrospective database by pathology4 (breast, lung, sarcoma)
  • Biological samples

Medical imaging tests: 

  • MRI
  • CT scan
  • PET-Scan
  • Mammography

Digitized pathology slides

Omics data:

  • Whole exome
  • Whole genome 
  • RNA-Seq 
  • Single-cell
  • Etc.


3Information Systems Medicalization Program

4Outside clinical trials

These data are intended to be used, in compliance with patients' rights, in several areas:

  • Research projects (academic and industrial)
  • Hospital activity management
  • Precision medicine
  • Data analysis and bioinformatics