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Make a donation from abroad

Support French research in its fight against cancer

don depuis l'etranger

Are you a resident abroad wishing to support Institut Curie? No problem! "After all, science is fundamentally international..." Marie Curie

"Après tout, la science est fondamentalement internationale..."

Marie Curie

Make a transfer to benefit Institut Curie

You can support the physicians and researchers at Institut Curie by making a bank transfer

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Institut Curie is a foundation that is recognized as a public utility, as such 66% of the amount of your donation is deductible from your income tax in France. Thus, a donation of 100 euros, for example, actually costs you 34 euros.

Benefit from a tax reduction in your country of residence

You reside in a European country 

Institut Curie is part of the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network of 19 countries. Through this network, you can send your donation safely to the partner foundation in your country of residence, which will issue you a tax certificate and submit your donation to Institut Curie.

To find out more, go to the TGE website or contact us directly.

European countries where you can benefit from tax advantages by donating to Institut Curie / European countries with tax benefits for donating to Institut Curie

You reside in the United States

As a partner foundation of Institut Curie in the United States, Myriad USA allows you to support the activities of Institut Curie while benefiting from tax advantages specific to American legislation.

You can make your donation:

  • Online, on our dedicated platform
  • By check(Payable to: Myriad USA; Memo: "American Friends of Institut Curie" ) to be mailed to Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176.
  • By bank transfer (Beneficiary: "American Friends of Institut Curie") Indicate: First name/Last name - Practical information/address for the tax receipt 
    Account information:
    • Bank: JPMorgan Chase, 270 Park Avenue, New York, NY, 10017 
    • Routing Number: 021000021 (for transfers from within the United States) 
    • SWIFT or BIC Code: CHASUS33 (for transfers from outside the United States) 
    • Account Number: 939282908

For additional information, please contact Brenda Orellana at +1 (212) 713-7660

To participate in our galas and to learn more about our American campaign, please navigate to https://mariecurie-usa.org