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Knowledge transfer is one of Institut Curie's missions. Teaching and training contributes to improving patient care all over the world and to advancing our understanding of life sciences.
Training talents, in France and worldwide
International courses
Institut Curie offers researchers, doctors and students cutting-edge scientific and medical-scientific courses, taught by internationally renowned speakers.

Medical and paramedical courses
Doctors and researchers from the Institut Curie share their expertise with students and practicing healthcare professionals, through numerous teachings, courses and other specialized training.

Postdoc, PhD and Master 2
Every year, dozens of doctoral students, postdoctoral students and M2 students join the laboratories of Institut Curie to train, exchange and actively contribute to scientific and medical projects.
Internships for student and doctors
Institut Curie welcomes French and international students and doctors for internships wishing to train in oncology alongside experienced specialists and leading researchers.
Academic and institutional collaborations
Very involved in the French university landscape, Institut Curie has established strong collaborations with the PSL University, of which Institut Curie is an associate member, the University of Paris-Saclay, including the University of Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, Paris Cité University, Sorbonne University.
Institut Curie is also in close collaboration with Institut Pasteur, to strengthen exchanges linked to international doctoral programs, in addition to the joint courses offered for several years.
International students
As part of its networks of research excellence and the advanced training programs in which they participate, Institut Curie actively contributes to the training and support of international doctoral and post-doctoral students. The institute is notably:
- member of the EU-Life network (European centers of excellence in life sciences) which encourages European doctoral and post-doctoral students to pursue their careers in Europe
- connected with internationally renowned scientific establishments to promote exchanges and training and support for doctoral and post-doctoral students
- participating in international advanced training programs for young researchers such as Erasmus+
Être chercheur, c’est vivre une aventure marquée par la persévérance, la curiosité, l’émerveillement, mais aussi par la passion. Une passion pour la science, souvent née des premiers souvenirs d’enfance, à la découverte du monde et ses mystères.