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FAQ - The answers to your most frequently asked questions
Find the answer to most of the questions asked by international patients, before, during and after their stay at Institut Curie.

Display summary
Before arrival
How do I contact Institut Curie for the first time and send my medical file?
How do i seek treatment at Institut Curie ?
Where can I find accommodation in Paris, Saint Cloud or Orsay?
The cost of treatments
How much do treatments cost?
Is it possible to obtain a special rate ?
How do I finance my treatment at Institut Curie ?
During my stay
How do I access my appointments?
Can I get assistance from an interpreter, and do I have to pay for it ?
Where can I pray ?
After my stay
What happens when my treatment is finished ?
For more information you can reach the international department team by email: international.patient@curie.fr or by phone +33 (0) 1 76 49 13 01.