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Functional rehabilitation: a better life with cancer

Masso-kinesitherapy techniques make it possible to actively or passively treat patients' deficits or disabilities, whether respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, or locomotor.
The Rehabilitation Unit is made up of a team of masseurs-physiotherapists qualified to support you - throughout your course of care - in order to prevent, restore, or compensate for the functional difficulties caused by cancer or its treatments.
Their expertise and the variety of tools at their disposal allow them to apply prevention and rehabilitation actions adapted to the diversity of encountered pathologies and treatments. The rehabilitation objectives aim to improve your quality of life and your autonomy by helping you to regain ease in your daily movements, promoting a better awareness of your body and your breathing. In this context, learning psychocorporeal techniques, such as relaxation or hypnoanalgesia, can be proposed in order to better manage your symptoms and improve your well-being. During your follow-up, self-rehabilitation exercises may be offered to you in order to actively and independently continue your rehabilitation.
The masseur-physiotherapist can also recommend to you technical aids or devices that are likely to contribute to your daily comfort and independence.
Finally, the team plays an indispensable role in promoting physical activity in collaboration with other healthcare providers in order to create a less sedentary lifestyle and accompany you on your journey towards a safe and healthy long-term physical activity routine.
Primary objectives that are carried out:
- Fight against deconditioning
- Implement care procedures aimed at restoring or supplementing an impaired function
- Manage pain using mind-body techniques
- Offer clinical expertise in specific areas of rehabilitation (e.g. pelvi-perineology, swallowing, etc.)
- Promote the practice of adapted physical activities (in particular, through therapeutic education actions)
- Ensure a city-hospital link with external professionals.
Who can refer you to us?
The initiation of follow-up in masso-kinesitherapy, hospital or private, is subject to a medical prescription specifying such indication. It can be issued to you by the hospital medical team or your general practitioner.
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