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Interdisciplinary department of Supportive Care in Oncology (DISSPO)
Pre Carole Bouleuc
L’institut Curie bénéficie d’un Département interdisciplinaire des soins de support (DISSPO) qui regroupent un ensemble de professionnels de santé ayant une expertise variée ; psychologues, assistantes sociales, diététiciennes, nutritionnistes, médecins douleurs et soins palliatifs, éducation thérapeutique, addictologie, oncogériatrie. Leur compétence complémentaire permet une prise en charge globale de la personne malade et de ses proches.
Institut Curie has an Interdisciplinary Department of Support Care (DISSPO), which brings together a group of healthcare professionals with varied expertise - psychologists, social workers, dieticians, nutritionists, pain and palliative care doctors, therapeutic education specialists, addictionologists, and oncogeriatrics specialists. Their complementary skills allow for comprehensive care for sick patients and their loved ones.
Support care is patient-centered and aims to relieve symptoms, manage after-effects, and improve the quality of life of patients. It must be personalized and provide answers to the needs expressed by patients or their loved ones. A regular reassessment of the support care needs is ensured throughout the course of care and in the recovery phase.
When the situation requires it, the support care teams consult during multi-professional meetings in order to coordinate care, in close collaboration with the other departments of the Institute, the general practitioners and the community caregivers.
Our commitments for individualized care for each patient are as follows:
- Develop a personalized care project of support care for each patient to improve their physical and mental well-being
- Allow for regular reassessment of support care needs by means of a digitally accessible questionnaire
- Prevent malnutrition and treat it early
- Propose adapted physical activity programs and therapeutic education programs
- Ensure multi-professional pain management based on state-of-the-art techniques
- Set up specialized palliative care in situations that require it
- Help patients return to or remain at work
- Innovate and improve care by creating a research center in the humanities and social sciences/support care
The Missions of the Department of Support Care
Prevention by means of good hygiene and lifestyle
A balanced diet and physical activity adapted to each specific medical situation are essential for patient health.
Inform, raise awareness, educate
Throughout your course of care, you will be provided all the necessary information to help make you more independent.
Care: thanks to the support care units
Throughout your course of care, your medical team can refer you to the various support care professionals.
Coordinate the course of care
In certain situations, we ensure coordination of care in conjunction with extra-hospital care providers.
- Promote patient rights
For more information about Supportive Care at Institut Curie