Institut Curie Research Center


Institut Curie Research Center consists of 13 mixed research unites, in conjunction with the CNRS, Inserm and certain universities in the Paris region, and involves more than 1,200 employees spread across three sites in Ile-de-France: Paris, Orsay, and Saint-Cloud.

Centre de Recherche Institut Curie
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Institut Curie Research Center is committed to developing basic research excellence, designed to meet all scientific and technological challenges, and push the boundaries of knowledge, thus contributing to improving the fight against cancer. It fosters an environment of interdisciplinarity, mutual inspiration, and collaboration with clinicians to establish partnerships, both in France and worldwide.


Basic research, an essential source of progress

Institut Curie Research Center strives to develop scientific work that combines competence, robustness, audacity and scientific ethics. The intellectual richness of its employees means that the Research Center can go further, faster, constantly questioning and expanding knowledge in life sciences.

Achieving a better understanding of all aspects of living things means investigating on all levels, from the single cell to the entire organism. Accordingly, the Research Center has the most advanced technological tools, such as microfluidics, super-resolution imaging and high-throughput sequencing. This makes it possible to study cell mechanisms such as genetic dynamics, cell plasticity or the tumor environment, crucial fields for progressing knowledge, and the fight against cancer. To analyze increasingly accurate and massive data, whether it involves a single gene or gene populations, the Research Center is equipped with the necessary biotechnology and artificial intelligence resources.


Trademark culture of interdisciplinarity

To decrypt mechanisms, such as those of cancer, and clear the way for the development of new solutions to benefit patients, the research conducted by the scientific teams at Institut Curie connects all aspects of biology in addition to chemistry, physics, technology and mathematics. Already rich in daily experience through the researchers from various disciplines in their discussions and joint projects, the Research Center constantly strives for interdisciplinarity, through the creation of dedicated, mixed teams and units, and by funding collaborative programs.


A continuum from science to healthcare, via openness to the world

In light of developments in precision medicine in oncology and the emergence of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, the Research Center is also developing strong translational research, an essential link between the discoveries of researchers and their clinical research applications. It thus contributes to close links between the Research Center and the Hospital Group. This research-to-care continuum means Institut Curie was granted OECI “Comprehensive Cancer Center” status in 2018.

Along with the broadening expertise, the Research Center is growing and modernizing in the context of the MC21 investment project. Objective: giving researchers a framework promoting creativity, innovation and collaboration. Finally, the Research Center is increasing its academic and industrial partnerships, in France and worldwide, confirming its dynamism, international scientific influence and socioeconomic status. 


Active knowledge sharing

Sharing knowledge with young generations of scientists and with society at large is a duty of research. Doctoral programs, international scientific classes, conferences, seminars and symposiums on innovative themes, training in the use of equipment or scientific integrity, interventions in schools: Institut Curie is committed to quality teaching and training, thus contributing to developing research, and maintaining creativity and excellence.


Key Research Center figures (source: Annual Report 2022):

  • 13 mixed research units
  • 88 research teams, including 21 junior teams
  • 1 translational research department
  • 19 technology platforms
  • 1,258 employees
  • 3 Labex, 1 SiRIC, 1 Equipex,
  • 426 scientific publications, including 143 with an impact factor > 10 and 36 with an impact factor > 20
  • 26 ERC grants currently ongoing


Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Institut Curie Research Center is strongly committed to gender equality, diversity and inclusion within the organsiation, this approach is rooted in our history, culture and identity and extends to the consideration of sex and gender in the research conducted at the institute.  To support our approach, we have developed a comprehensive and concrete Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plan (GEDIP), which is also an eligibility requirement of Horizon Europe funding and will enable us to strengthen a fair and inclusive research culture.

► Download our GEDIP


"HR Excellence in Research" label

Logo HR Excellence in Research

In February 2018, the Research Center of Institut Curie has been granted by the HR Excellence in Research label. Awarded by European commission, this certification rewards research institutions committed to Human Resources Strategy For Researchers (HRS4R). ► Learn more