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Palliative care for cancer

Soins palliatifs

Palliative care is personalized and active care delivered with a comprehensive approach to the person suffering from advanced cancer.

The objective is to promote a quality of life on a daily basis by mitigating symptoms and relieving pain, psychological suffering, family and social difficulties, or existential and spiritual distress. Support for relatives is also offered. 

The palliative care team is composed of doctors, nurses, and medical assistants.


Our missions:

  • Relieve symptoms
  • Promote independence,
  • Support loved ones,
  • Preserve the quality of life,
  • Define the personalized care project after consultation with the various healthcare stakeholders,
  • Coordinate continuity of care with caregivers in the city, attending physicians, palliative care networks, HAD (home hospitalization), private nurses, and service providers.

At Institut Curie, palliative care is provided by:

  • A day hospital for support care

The day hospital receives patients at all phases of the disease when they require multi-professional management in a social, psychological, and somatic symptomatic context. An assessment is made by a physician and a nurse who coordinate the services of the various professionals in conjunction with the attending oncologist and home-care providers.

  • A mobile palliative care team (EMSP) composed of several professionals (doctor, nurse, psychologist, physiotherapist, and social service assistant) who provide various services
  • Medical consultations