Annual Report 2020 – Working together to beat cancer
In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, which brought with it lockdowns - in France and throughout the world - as well as the slowdown of many organizations, Institut Curie demonstrated unwavering commitment to its patients, to research and to the fight against cancer.
An extraordinary year in more ways than one, 2020 will remain etched in our memories. The 2020 edition of Institut Curie’s annual report takes a look at the Covid-19 pandemic and at how it was endured and managed by the Hospital Group, the Research Center and Head Office.
Through testimonials from employees and from important figures in scientific research and oncology, find out how Institut Curie adapted to this unprecedented crisis. More than ever, taking care of cancer patients, maintaining quality of care, supporting the Paris region hospital structures saturated by Covid patients, continuing research at the Research Center and developing new coronavirus studies, supporting students in this new reality and maintaining the services necessary for the institute to run smoothly... All of these essential tasks had to continue under extraordinary circumstances.
Conducted thanks to the unprecedented commitment of all Institut Curie employees and the dedication of its 218,000 donors who remained committed throughout this most challenging period, all of these actions and events are explained in Institut Curie’s annual report 2020.
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