Actualité - Corporate

Annual Report 2021 - Curie: Uniting our strengths


United for research advances, united for patient care, united in the fight against cancer! Healthcare professionals, doctors, researchers and support staff alike contribute to leading the fight. In this Annual Report 2021, learn more about the people standing united in a unique collective capable of gradually pushing back disease!

Couvs rapport annuel 2021

1,143 scientific publications in the most prestigious journals; two UHR programs, each worth close to €10m in funding; 195 clinical trials currently underway: in 2021, Institut Curie’s excellent work gained yet more traction thanks to its key areas of activity: research, whether basic, translational or clinical, and patient care.

Despite a sanitary and social context that proved challenging for hospitals, high-quality healthcare continued to be provided to the 17,236 patients receiving treatment in our establishments.

A 28th start-up born of Institut Curie’s research served to demonstrate our dynamic approach to innovation, and further consolidations in our international partnerships were proof of Institut Curie’s drive to fight cancer around the world.

These remarkable results stem from Institut Curie staff’s trademark team spirit. This annual report is a tribute to the Curie spirit that fuels each and every one of us, at the Research Center, the Hospital Group and Head Office. It also shines a light on the instrumental support lent by Institut Curie’s partners, sponsors and donors.

All are committed to creating a future where incurable cancer is a thing of the past.

Together, they embody Curie standing united.