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Patients and Relatives Areas

Institut Curie offers patients and their families friendly spaces for information, exchange and activities to enhance their well-being.

Maison des Patients et des Proches

L’Institut Curie propose à Paris et à Saint-Cloud des espaces dédiés aux patients et à leurs proches, pour leur permettre de s’informer, d'échanger, de bénéficier de conseils pratiques, d'assister à des réunions et de participer à diverses activités : ateliers socio-esthétiques, soins de bien-être, activité physique adaptée, loisirs créatifs, etc.

In Paris and Saint-Cloud, Institut Curie offers dedicated areas for patients and their families to obtain information, exchange ideas, receive practical advice, attend meetings and take part in a range of activities, including socio-aesthetic workshops, wellness treatments, adapted physical activity and creative leisure activities. 

Staffed by health facilitators and volunteers, these neutral, friendly places are available to all patients undergoing treatment, their families and caregivers, to provide them with the best possible information throughout their course of treatment and promote their well-being. They also provide a link between the hospital and the city, for example by referring patients to supportive care, healthcare professionals in the city or associations.

Dedicated space for Patients and Loved ones - ERI (Paris)

The dedicated ERI offers a range of activities, including discussion meetings and themed information days. Advice and practical solutions for beauty and daily well-being are provided.

Address and Contact
25, rue d'Ulm
75005 PARIS
Tél.: 01 44 32 40 81 
E-mail : messagerie.eri@curie.fr

Open Tuesday to Friday (10:00 AM tp 5:00 PM).

The Maison des Patients et des Proches (Patient and Family Center) (Saint-Cloud)

Proposed acticities emphasize a holistic approach to the person in the form of workshops offering advice on side effects (prevention of lymphoedema, beauty and hair care, lingerie, etc.) and such practices as qigong, sophrology, yoga, Nordic walking and art therapy. At this center, patients and their loved ones can find information on cancer (talks, brochures, a library, etc.), people who understand their concerns and can listen to them, and an opportunity to meet with various associations. This opportunity to interact with other patients and/or family members, through discussion groups on specific topics, workshops or just friendly conversation, helps to break the solitude often felt under these circumstances.

Address and Contact
20, rue de la Libération
92210 Saint-Cloud
Tel. : 01 47 11 23 40
Email : sc.maison-des-patients@curie.fr

Open Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 12:45pm and 2pm to 5pm, except public holidays.