Phase II clinical trial - Sein métastatique RH+

BYLieve (CBYL719X402)
Sein métastatique RH+
Ouvert depuis le: 07.27.2024
Site: Saint-Cloud
Public cible
A Phase II, Multicenter, Open-label, Two-cohort, Non-comparative Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Alpelisib Plus Fulvestrant or Letrozole in Patients With PIK3CA Mutant, Hormone Receptor (HR) Positive, HER2-negative Advanced Breast Cancer (aBC), Who Have Progressed on or After CDK 4/6 Inhibitor Treatment
Description de l'essai
The purpose of this studis to assess the efficacy and safety of treatment with alpelisib plus endocrine therapy in patients with HR+, HER2-negative aBC, with PIK3CA mutations, whose disease has progressed on or after CDK 4/6 treatment with an aromatase inhibitor (AI) or fulvestrant
Investigateur principal