Phase IV clinical trial - Recherches "plusieurs pathologies"

Recherches "plusieurs pathologies"
Ouvert depuis le: 07.27.2024
Site: Saint-Cloud
Public cible
Elderly Cancer PatIents Treated for Advanced or Metastatic Melanoma or NSCLC, Safety and qualiTy of Life Under immunOtheraPies: a Phase IV Trial
Description de l'essai
The co-primary objectives will be to assess the safety and quality of life under treatment. Secondary objectives will be evaluations of geriatric data modifications under treatment, efficacy (progression-free survival and overall survival), correlation between toxicity and efficacy, and comparison of the safety profiles between various immunotherapy regimens.;Another secondary objective will be the comparison between patients and clinicians symptom reporting. The investigators will also perform a pharmacokinetics analysis on PD1-monoclonal antibodies to improve the understanding of PD-1 inhibitors pharmacokinetics for the elderly population.;Finally, toxicity and efficacy will be compared to immunological parameters such as the description of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, markers of immunosenescence and inflammation.
Investigateur principal