Help innovation and research against cancer


The fight against cancer is a fight that involves all of us. In order to successfully conduct our projects and develop all of our research missions, your help and support are crucial.

aider la recherche contre le cancer

Since cancer is the leading cause of death in France today, your support is essential. We all need to go further and faster in helping to outsmart cancer!

With your donation, you are helping to face the challenges of 21st-century oncology and giving cancer research the resources it needs to fight the good fight.

Today, Institut Curie will be able to pursue ambitious research programs in immunotherapy, radiotherapy and pediatric oncology, and thus allow researchers and physicians to develop the most appropriate treatment for each patient.

These programs represent enormous hope in the fight against cancer and a fresh opportunity for treatment for many patients.

With your donations, research and innovation in the fight against cancer are moving forward.

Institut Curie has a long history involving public generosity. It was the ‘Osiris bequest’ that led to the 1909 creation of the Institut du Radium, which became Institut Curie in 1921.

The teams at Institut Curie – researchers, doctors and caregivers – are committed to fighting cancer daily.

The incredible progress of recent years now enables us to cure one of every two cancer cases. And we don’t plan to stop there!

For us to continue to be one of the world leaders in the fight against cancer, to pursue the ambitious research programs necessary to beat this disease, to help and cure more men, women and children, Institut Curie needs your support.

Together, we can go even further and faster, and outsmart cancer!

On behalf of all the researchers, doctors and caregivers at Institut Curie, we therefore thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Professor Thierry Philip, President of Institut Curie

Institut Curie has been a recognized public-interest foundation since 1921. Founded in 1909 on a model conceived by Nobel laureate Marie Curie that is still at the cutting edge “of basic research and innovative treatment,” Institut Curie features an internationally-renowned research center and two hospitals offering state-of-the-art cancer treatment.