Organization of the Research Center


The Institut Curie's Research Center Direction prepares the strategic orientations of the entity. Structured around a tightly knit team, it facilitates decision-making and the implementation of proposed actions.

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Organisation of Institut Curie Research Center

The 2020 - 2025 scientific program is inspired by the scientific heritage of Marie Curie and is rooted in fundamental research of excellence. It is based on a resolutely forward-looking vision to meet new scientific, technological and medical challenges and to strengthen the interfaces with the Hospital group. It is based on a guideline: to strengthen interdisciplinarity in its two main dimensions (interfaces between scientific disciplines - research and clinical links), and is articulated around 4 ambitions:

  1. Consolidating the excellence of the Research Center in basic and interdisciplinary research in the life sciences
  2. Developing translational research and stimulating innovation in the context of a Comprehensive Cancer Center
  3. Providing infrastructure for research
  4. Promoting the Curie model

To ensure the implementation of the scientific program, the Direction of the Research Center relies on an organization articulated around 2 poles:

  • Scientific pole which includes the units and the translational research department, as well as scientific support, technological platforms and the Training unit.
  • Under the responsibility of the Director of Financial and Technical Resources, Philippe Bez, and the Director of Human Resources, Stéphane Lacroix: an administrative and technical division which groups together the support functions. All of these support functions provide essential support for the Research Center's staff. Their tasks and missions include a wide range of activities such as managing research contracts, purchasing equipment, managing travel, recruiting non-permanent staff (doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, masters, staff on fixed-term contracts or CODs), building maintenance, health and safety training, etc.

Download the Research Center's organisation chart

  • The support functions provided by the Head Office, such as the legal department, the development and industrial partnerships department, the communication department and the information systems department, are essential to the day-to-day activities of the Research Center.


Governance of Institut Curie Research Center

In a spirit of exchange and transparency, 3 internal committees are at the service of the organization to help define the strategy, its implementation and to develop the animation of the Research Center:

Direction Committee - CODIR Restreint, meets weekly to address strategic issues and management of the Center's activities.


  • Tatiana Malherbe, Deputy Director of the Research Center
  • Stéphane Lacroix, Director of Human Resources
  • Philippe Bez, Director of Financial and Technical Resources


Scientific Management Committee - Scientific CODIR, meets monthly to address topics related to scientific and technological strategy as well as training programs.


  • Tatiana Malherbe, Deputy Director of the Research Center
  • The 13 joint research unit directors: Emmanuel Barillot, Irène Buvat, Olivier Delattre, Pascal Hersen, Ludger Johannes, Ana-Maria Lennon, Pierre Léopold, Arturo Londono Vallejo, Florence Mahuteau-Betzer, Antonin Morillon, Franck Perez, Angela Taddei, Stephan Vagner.
  • The 4 site coordinators: Stéphan Vagner (Orsay site), Irène Buvat (Saint-Cloud site), Pascal Hersen (Paris site) and Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou (Paris site)
  • Sergio Roman Roman, Head of the Translational Research Department,
  • Graça Raposo, Director of Training Unit


Site Coordination Committee meets monthly to discuss the general policy of the 3 sites.


  • Stéphan Vagner, Site Coordinator for Orsay
  • Irène Buvat, Site Coordinator for Saint-Cloud
  • Pascal Hersen, Site Coordinator for Paris
  • Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou, Site Coordinator for Paris

The scientific strategy is defined on the basis of guidelines and recommendations provided by four boards or committees, mainly composed of external scientific experts:


International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB): composed of external experts, working in renowned international research centers, who cover the main research topics of Institut Curie. The main task of the ISAB for the Research Center is to provide advice on strategic directions and program outcomes, as well as recommendations regarding the recruitment and promotion (seniorization) of Junior PIs (JPIs). ISAB Chair: Prof. Edith Heard


Scientific Commission of the Research Center: is composed of external scientific experts, representatives of the different categories of staff of the Research Center (elected and appointed) as well as appointed representatives of the Hospital Group. This commission gives advice on: i) research programmes initiated in the context of calls for tender supported by the Research Centre, ii) the recruitment of Junior PIs, iii) the creation of research units following evaluation by the Hcéres.


Joint Scientific Commission: to support the implementation of the Institut Curie's Medical-Scientific Program (MSP), joint meetings of the Research Center's Scientific Commission and the Hospital Group's Scientific Commission are organized twice a year to share values and procedures. An important objective of the joint meetings is to examine requests for protected medical time from clinicians and pathologists who wish to develop their research projects.


Ad Hoc Committees. Ad hoc committees are set up by the Research Center Direction to help make recommendations on particular issues at the level of a specific unit or programme. They are composed of external experts and include representatives of the Scientific Commission and/or the ISAB. An important role of the ad hoc committees is to conduct site visits and interviews during the Junior PI seniority process.