

Tenured Research Scientist CNRS
Recherche - Orsay
Spécialités / domaines
Acides nucléiques,
Biologie et chimie des radiations, signalisation cellulaire et cancer,
Basic research

Daniela Verga holds a PhD in Organic chemistry (2010) on the synthesis of photoactivatable DNA cross-linkers (supervisor: M. Freccero, University of Pavia). During her PhD, she worked at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Gary B. Schuster’s lab to study photodamages induced on DNA and biochemistry. She was Postdoc at the Institut Curie in M.-P. Teulade-Fichou’s group (2011-12) where she worked on the synthesis of covalent G4 DNA binding compounds and their biochemical application and then she moved to Germany as a Postdoc awarded with a von Humboldt fellowship (2013-15) working in the field of chemical biology in A. Marx’s group (Konstanz, Germany), where she deepened her knowledge in DNA biochemistry and biology.

Since December 2015, Dr. Verga is a young permanent researcher (Chargée de recherche CNRS, CRCN) in the Chemistry and Modelling for the Biology of Cancer (CMBC) research unit at the Institut Curie (UMR9187-U1196 headed by M.-P. Teulade-Fichou). More precisely, she works in the "Probes and Drugs of Nucleic acids Secondary Structures" team, directed by M.-P. Teulade-Fichou, where she leads a small group (2 PhD students, working at the interface between chemistry, biochemistry, and biology, and 1 technical staff (IE) expert in organic synthesis) working on the synthesis of selective non-alkylating and alkylating G4 ligands with the aim to employ them to unlock biological processes.

In 2018 she was awarded with a young researcher grant funded by the Agence National de la Recherche (JCJC ANR) to develop her own research.

PSL Chemical Biology Symposia Third Edition: A Branch of Science in its Explosive Phase
Leeroy Baron, Justine Hadjerci, Leishemba Thoidingjam, Marina Plays, Romain Bucci, Nolwenn Morris, Sebastian Müller, Fabien Sindikubwabo, Stéphanie Solier, Tatiana Cañeque, Ludovic Colombeau, Cedric M. Blouin, Christophe Lamaze, Alain Puisieux, Yannick Bono, Christine Gaillet, Luca Laraia, Boris Vauzeilles, Frédéric Taran, Sébastien Papot, Philippe Karoyan, Romain Duval, Florence Mahuteau‐Betzer, Paola Arimondo, Kevin Cariou, Gilles Guichard, Laurent Micouin, Mélanie Ethève‐Quelquejeu, Daniela Verga, Antoine Versini, Gilles Gasser, Cong Tang, Philippe Belmont, Andreas Linkermann, Claudia Bonfio, Dennis Gillingham, Thomas Poulsen, Marco Di Antonio, Marie Lopez, Dominique Guianvarc'h, Christophe Thomas, Géraldine Masson, Arnaud Gautier, Ludger Johannes, Raphaël Rodriguez
G-quadruplexes in helminth parasites
Nucleic Acids Research
Alessio Cantara, Yu Luo, Michaela Dobrovolná, Natalia Bohalova, Miroslav Fojta, Daniela Verga, Lionel Guittat, Anne Cucchiarini, Solène Savrimoutou, Cécile Häberli, Jean Guillon, Jennifer Keiser, Václav Brázda, Jean Louis Mergny