Directory of Doctors and Researchers Image EKA PUTRA GUSTI NGURAH PUTU googleresearchgateRecherche - Orsay Spécialités / domaines Biochimie, Chimie-Biologie Functions within Institut Curie: PhD Student Chemistry for Nucleic acid recognitionUnit : Chemistry and Modelling for Biology of Cancer (UMR9187 / U1196) Contacter EKA PUTRA GUSTI NGURAH PUTU Contact me by phone or by filling in the form below Nom Prénom Adresse e-mail Message CAPTCHA Cette question permet de tester si vous êtes un visiteur humain et d'empêcher les soumissions automatiques de spam. Publications 2023 Unprecedented reactivity of polyamines with aldehydic DNA modifications: structural determinants of reactivity, characterization and enzymatic stability of adducts Nucleic Acids Research Eka Putra Gusti Ngurah Putu, Laurent Cattiaux, Thomas Lavergne, Yves Pommier, Sophie Bombard, Anton Granzhan (2023 18 Oct) Directory of Doctors and Researchers
2023 Unprecedented reactivity of polyamines with aldehydic DNA modifications: structural determinants of reactivity, characterization and enzymatic stability of adducts Nucleic Acids Research Eka Putra Gusti Ngurah Putu, Laurent Cattiaux, Thomas Lavergne, Yves Pommier, Sophie Bombard, Anton Granzhan (2023 18 Oct)