

Praticien spécialiste des CLCC
Hôpital - Paris
Spécialités / domaines
Médecine générale
Functions within Institut Curie:
  • Practitioner
    Soins palliatifs et gériatrie

Dr. Renault-Tessier Evelyne is a general practitioner, specialist in pain and palliative care. She holds a master's degree in ethics research and is a certified practitioner in therapeutic patient education. His clinical activity for chronic pain and palliative care is carried out in consultation or in a day hospital on the Paris site. She is head of service at UTEP, the therapeutic patient education unit in oncology at the Paris, St Cloud and Orsay sites. Its activity is complemented by research work in SHS, human and social sciences, in the areas of care partnership, health democracy and therapeutic education. It coordinates in particular: - multicentric research LE DECLIC EPRI (THE patient education program for Chronic Pain RELATED to Cancer: Evaluation of an Interventional Research Project in Population Health. - REPic (Return to work, Institut Curie), as part of the AViProCan project (Supporting the professional life of people followed in oncology) subsidized by Inca. She is a member of the board of directors of the Fight against pain Ile de France network, and the pain and cancer commission of the SFETD (French society for the study and treatment of pain).