Directory of Doctors and Researchers Image JULIE CARTIER Recherche - Paris Spécialités / domaines Bioinformatics Functions within Institut Curie: PhD Student Statistical Machine Learning and Modelling of Biological SystemsUnit : Cancer and Genome: Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Epidemiology of Complex Systems (U900) Contacter JULIE CARTIER Contact me by phone or by filling in the form below Nom Prénom Adresse e-mail Message CAPTCHA Cette question permet de tester si vous êtes un visiteur humain et d'empêcher les soumissions automatiques de spam. Publications 2018 E2F1 binds to the peptide-binding groove within the BIR3 domain of cIAP1 and requires cIAP1 for chromatin binding PLOS ONE Jennifer Allègre, Jessy Cartier, Valérie Glorian, Nathalie Droin, Baptiste Dumetier, Cémile Kayaci, Jean Berthelet, Simon Gemble, Céline Vuillier, Laurent Maillet, Carmen Garrido, Laurence Dubrez (2018 25 Oct) Directory of Doctors and Researchers
2018 E2F1 binds to the peptide-binding groove within the BIR3 domain of cIAP1 and requires cIAP1 for chromatin binding PLOS ONE Jennifer Allègre, Jessy Cartier, Valérie Glorian, Nathalie Droin, Baptiste Dumetier, Cémile Kayaci, Jean Berthelet, Simon Gemble, Céline Vuillier, Laurent Maillet, Carmen Garrido, Laurence Dubrez (2018 25 Oct)