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  • CurieCoreTech CRISPR'it Genetic Screening


The last decade has seen the emergence of new genome modification technologies. Published in 2012, the CRISPR/Cas9 system, that granted Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna with Chemistry Nobel Prize in 2020, allows by its great flexibility, the individual inactivation of all known genes by targeted cutting of the DNA.

Created in September 2017, the CRISPR’it core facility takes advantage of the CRISPR technology to perform lentiviral-based genetic screens in cell lines.

Genetic screens are powerful tools that enable the genome-wide interrogation of gene function through CRISPR-based mutagenesis or transcriptional modulation either by CRISPRi (inhibition) or CRISPRa (activation).


(SCREEN overview figure to come)

Because each project is unique, the CRISPR’it platform advises scientists in their screening projects and oversees the whole screening procedure from library preparation to bio-informatic analysis :

1- Library preparation (genome-wide or custom)

2- Virus production and titration

3- Infection of target cells and NGS library preparation

4- NGS by Curie Sequencing platform

5- Bio-informatic analysis


The CRISPR'it platform works in close collaboration with the NGS platform and Bio-informatics platform of Curie Institute throughout the entire screen process to identify candidate genes.



Life of the team

Paris [Conférence-discussion ] - 24 septembre 2024
1 Day meeting : CRISPR Screening in Cancer Discovery (2nd edition)
CRISPR’it (Institut Curie, Paris) and CRISPR Screen Action (Cancéropôle PACA, Marseille/Nice) are pleased to announce the second edition of the 1 Day Meeting: CRISPR Screen in Cancer Discovery. The event will take place on September 24th 2024 at the Curie Institute, Paris.

This event, showcasing presentations by renowned researchers as well as presentations by PhD students and young researchers, was created as a forum to foster interaction in the field of CRISPR screening. A lunch and poster session are planned to allow people to further challenge and discuss their results on this topic.

Several core facilities, industrial partners and CRISPR screening experts will be present to further discuss your project, so do not hesitate to apply for a poster and/or a short talk!

Deadline for registration: August 30th

Note : we have received several demands regarding payment by Purchase Order. We sadly do not have the administrative power to treat PO for all participants. However, if you do not have the possibility to pay by credit card and get a refund from your institute, we still would like you to be able to join so please get in touch with us through the button "contact the organiser" below. (Grouped request would be a lot more convenient for us)

See you in September !

Marseille [Conférence-discussion ] - 26 septembre 2022
1 Day meeting : CRISPR Screening in Cancer Discovery
Monday, September 26th 2022
09:30 am

Le Pharo, Marseille Le pharo

«1 Day meeting : CRISPR Screening in Cancer Discovery»

Co-organised by CRISPR'it core facility (Curie) and CRISPR Action (Marseille-Nice), this first edition of the meeting will bring together an outstanding line-up of speakers in functional genomics which will cover the use of CRISPR-Cas9 screening tools for the understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying tumor growth, the discovery of new therapeutic avenues including immunotherapies and the development of state-of-the-art approaches allowing CRISPR screens in vivo, in 3D or combined with single-cell transcriptomics. There will be several opportunities for young scientists to present their work through selected talks and posters.



Registration :

Registration and abstract submission deadline is on Monday 19th of September 2022.

Best wishes,

On behalf of the organizing committee,

R. Margueron, A. Boré & M. Wassef

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