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CurieCoreTech - Cytometry (CYTPIC)


Cytometry is a powerful tool for measuring and isolating at high throughput different phenotypic, functional or structural aspects within complex suspension or tissue samples and at single cell resolution.

The Institut Curie Cytometry Platform CYTPIC thus offers internal and external users suitable solutions based on cutting-edge technologies as conventional, spectral, image and spatial cytometry applied to the study of circulating biomarkers, extracellular vesicles, cells and tissues.

Tableau Instruments

For further information, please contact: cytometrie@curie.fr

  • Description

Institut Curie's Cytometry platform is part of a close interdisciplinary cooperation between fondamental, translational and clinical scientific research, as well as their valorization and access to innovation. With a wide range of expertise, it offers researchers from the institute as well as outsiders access to cutting-edge technologies for the multiplexed analysis of complex samples.

  •   Objectives

The platform's mission is to guide and support scientific projects and guide technological approaches by proposing empowerment through training, assistance on the various instruments, help in the construction of experiments, optimization of panels and collaboration, including the analysis of the data generated. In order to cover a plurality of research axes, it offers a multitude of technologies: Conventional flow, spectral, image cytometry, simplex and multiplex slide scanning, spatial proteomics, circulating biomarker detection, cell sorting, supervised and unsupervised analyses.

  • Equipment’s
Tableau Instruments

For more information, visit the "Technologies" pages.


  • Expertise
    •  Phenotypic analyzes of circulating biomarkers, extracellular vesicles, cells and tissues
    •  Simplex or multiplex approaches to single cell resolution
    • Conventional, spectral, image and spatial cytometry
    • Cell sorting in bulk, monoclonal or single cell
    • Autonomy, assistance or collaboration
    • Training on instruments and analysis software
    • Open to interns, external academics and industrials
    • Support in the development of experiences
    • Organization of workshops, webinars, seminars, tutorials, …
    • Work in synergy with complementary platforms


  • Close links with institutional platforms
    • Single Cell Initiative : At the Institut Curie research center, four technological platforms of the CurieCoreTech network (High Throughput DNA Sequencing Platform (NGS ICGEX), Custom Single Cell Omics, Cytometry and Bioinformatics platform) have decided to join forces and create the Single Cell Initiative. This structuring program aims to coordinate and share resources to optimize the services and developments of Single Cell technologies for the scientific community.
    • Extracellular Vesicles Platform : This platform offers its expertise in the isolation and characterization of extracellular vesicles, based in part on cytometry, following the experimental recommendations published by the International Society of Extracellular Vesicles.
    • Experimental Pathology Platform: The PATHEX platform is a unit specialized in human and animal histopathology which is integrated into the PMDT, Pôle de Médecine Diagnostique et Théranostique, bringing together the Pathology, Genetics, Immunology and Hemobiology departments of the Hospital complex.


For further information, please contact: cytometrie@curie.fr


2021TLR or NOD receptor signaling skews monocyte fate decision via distinct mechanisms driven by mTOR and miR-155

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - 26/10/2021

See authors

Life of the team

CYTPIC Workshop - 12 juin 2024
Spectral and Imaging Flow Cytometry Day
Dear All,

To follow the new investments in our laboratory, the CYTPIC (Cytometry Platform of the Institut Curie) is pleased to invite you to a seminar day sponsored by Cytek and entitled:

SPECTRAL AND IMAGING FLOW CYTOMETRY DAY - You will find the program enclosed.

The day will take place on Wednesday June 12, 2024 in Institut Curie, Constant Burg Amphitheater, Lhomond Building, 12 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris.

Registration is free but required before June 01st ! : https://forms.office.com/e/L4W2H5SEyM

For more information, please contact cytometrie@curie.fr.

CYTPIC General Assembly 2024 - 22 février 2024
General Assembly
Dear CYTPIC users,

Please find here the invitation to the General Assembly of the Cytometry Platform which will take place on February 22, 2024 at 10 a.m. by Teams (ID de la réunion : 318 355 794 319 ; Code secret : DEfFAN ).

May I ask you to please complete this short anonymous questionnaire before February 20th so that we can use the results as a basis for discussion: https://forms.office.com/e/L34qVsda7t?origin=lprLink.

It will also be an opportunity to discuss the past, present and future!

Thank you for your help and participation.

Hands-on Workshop - 7 février 2024
Single Extracellular Vesicles analysis
Dear Colleagues,

The French Society of Extracellular Vesicles (FSEV) and the French Association of Cytometry (AFC) are pleased to announce that their first joint Hands-on Workshop: "Single Extracellular Vesicles analysis" will be held from Wednesday, February 7th to Friday, February 9th, 2024 at FIAP Jean Monnet in Paris (France).

The workshop will be organized as follow over 3 days and attendance capacity will be limited to 60:

An afternoon dedicated to an overview of the fundamental and technological challenges in the study of extracellular vesicles by academic experts.

A full day with practical sessions divided into 4 slots of 2 hours where each company will allow groups of 6 people to manipulate directly their device and to test the reference material of the company and batches of calibrated vesicles. A description of each workshop is available here.

A Morning dedicated to the analysis and the discussion of the results on each technology.

Upgrade - 31 janvier 2024
Aurora Upgrades - 561 nm laser & plate reader
Dear users,

The CYTPIC is pleased to inform you that we will be upgrading our Aurora spectral cytometer to increase its capabilities.

This will take place in two steps:

- end of January: addition of a 561 nm laser, to increase the number of detection channels.

- March-April: addition of a 96-well plate reader to facilitate acquisitions.

Do not hesitate to come back to me or to the platform in case of questions or needs related to these upgrades.

AFC Annual Meeting 2023
CYTPIC will be present at the AFC annual meeting:

Toulouse and the Occitanie Region are pleased to host the 26th congress of the French Cytometry Association (AFC) which will take place on November 15, 16 and 17, 2023 at the Pierre Baudis Congress Center. Many practical workshops will also be organized on November 14, led by local and national cytometrists.

Don’t hesitate to come visit us during the poster sessions or at one of our talks!

CYTPIC Workshop - 8 septembre 2023
FlowJo Training/hands on
The cytometry platform is organizing a training/hands on for FlowJo software in the BDD amphitheater (Institut Curie Paris) on September 8, 2023. The day presented by Serena Di Cecilia (Treestar/Becton Dickinson) will be divided into two sessions as detailed below. You have the possibility to come with your laptop and flowjo installed on it (demo version) to practice in real time.

Registration is free but mandatory via the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/ku0EL5nSy0


FlowJo Training agenda:

Basic: 9:30-12:30

Navigating the v10 Workspace; Customizing Ribbons; Preferences (customize fonts, gating, cytometer setting, computer performance); Creating and Editing Groups; Keywords; Sample quality check and exclusion gates; Graphs, Gating and Ancestry; The Layout Editor; Batching and Exporting Graphics; The Table Editor and Exporting Statistics; Compensation; Demonstration.

Advanced: 2:00-4:00

High Dimensional data analysis; The FlowJo Plugins; Installation; Quality Check plugins: (FlowAI, FlowClean); Reduce Dimensionality, tSNE, UMAP, TriMap; Automated clutering and more : FlowSOM, x-shift, Phenograph; Exploring Deeper: Hyperfinder, cluster explorer, ViolinBox; Demonstration.

CYTPIC Newcomer - 17 juillet 2023
New Research Engineer
CYTPIC is pleased to announce the arrival of Anne-Gaelle Lafont, PhD.

"Since obtaining my PhD degree in biology in 2006, I have had the opportunity to work in various fields of research. I worked mainly on aquatic models (fish, cephalopods) and on the impact of environmental factors (salinity, temperature), hormones and peptides, on the physiological regulations of these different models. I also investigated the evolution history of gene families in vertebrates. For all this, I used molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry and in silico approaches.

In 2019, I graduated from the inter university degree “Project Manager and Investigator of Clinical Trials” at Pierre and Marie Curie University. I was then recruited as a research engineer, operational manager of the biobank of the Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris. During this contract, I notably set up the microbiology laboratory for the new activity of the Biobank dedicated to research on the Intestinal Microbiota.

Since the 17th of July, I have joined the Paris Cytometry Plateform of the Curie Institute.

Anne-Gaelle Lafont."

CYTPIC Upgrade - 13 juillet 2023
Chromium iX
The Cytometry Platform of the Institut Curie (CYTPIC) is happy to announce the upgrade of our Chromium Controller to the Chromium iX at the site of Orsay thanks to the Initiative Single Cell (NGS platform) and the support of U1021, UMR3348 and the Research Center.

The Chromium iX, based on NextGEM technology, is a microfluidic instrument for isolating cells or cell nuclei from a suspension (biological sample) for transcriptomic, proteomic and/or epigenetic analysis in NGS at the scale of single cells or nuclei.

The Chromium iX supports new 10X solutions (RNA Fixed, and more to come). Possible and non-exhaustive applications:

- Single Cell Gene Expression on all types of fresh or fixed cells.

- Characterization of accessible regions of chromatin (ATAC) at single nucleus scale, possible in combination with gene expression on single cells or nuclei.

- Amplification of VDJ sequences in fresh human and murine T and B lymphocytes for single-cell immune profiling of test organisms.

Second seminar will be co-organized with ThermoFisher on June 21st from 10am to 11am in Amphithéatre Marie Curie.

Procartaplex: Detect and quantify simultaneoulsy multiple proteins (up to 80) in a single sample, using the Luminex xMAP technology. Combine multipexing efficacy with Elisa easiness, sensitivity,

precision and reproducibility. www.thermofisher.com/procartaplex

Branched DNA (bDNA): A unique approach allowing RNA detection by using successive nucleic acids hybridization

and signal amplification.

QuantiGene®plex assays: Detect and quantify multiple RNA in one sample. No need to extract or purify , no need to check RNA quality (up to 80 targets). Work on degraded samples.

Combine Branched DNA principle with Luminex® xMAP® technology.

CYTPIC Seminar - 19 juin 2023
Seminar on Multiplexing technologies for proteins assays 1/2
Cytometry platform is pleased to organize two consecutive seminars on multiplexing technologies for protein assays compatible with our Bioplex instrument already available on the Paris site.



The first seminar will be co-organized with Merck on June 19th from 1pm to 2pm in Amphithéatre Marie Curie.

Cytometry Platform of Institut Curie & Luminex :  An immunoassay Platform Solution that can empower Immuno-Oncology breakthroughs

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn on how the Immunoassay Platform Solutions (IPS) available within the Cytometry Platform of Institut Curie can empower research into Immuno-oncology.

During this session, Merck will deep dive into their comprehensive IPS portfolio, presenting the power of the MILLIPLEX ® multiplex cancer assays compatible with Luminex technology already available within the Cytometry Platform. This multiplex solution allows up to 100 ELISA at once with high consistency, high-quality results while saving time, labor and cost.

Join us and see how these technology can help drive breakthroughs in cancer research.

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