CurieCoreTech Multimodal Imaging Center (UAR2016 / US43)
Network :
The Multimodal Imaging Center (MIC) was created on 1 January 2020 by the four trustees, the CNRS, the Inserm, the Institut Curie, and Université Paris-Saclay, as a service unit UAR2016/ US43.
The MIC Unit brings together the expertise of Imaging (Light Microscopy, Electron cryo-Microscopy, Ionic Microscopy, Image Processing and Analysis) and makes available to the scientific, academic and industrial community a service offering, training and R&D in multimodal imaging.
Our service unit, with an integrated vision, offers targeted activities around multi-scale and multimodal imaging on different types of samples (molecules, cells and tissues).
These activities are divided into 4 poles of expertise around sub-cellular and correlative imaging, chemical mapping of multiplexing and analysis and processing of generated images.
Unit Governance :
The Director relies on several committees to manage the unit.
The Committee of Trustees decides on the main scientific, technological and organisational guidelines, in relation to the geographical context
The strategic policy committee defines priorities, ensures the quality of services offered and proposes methodological developments
Each pole user committee make possible to take collective decisions on the operation and management of the pole and to make proposals for strategic direction