Functional and conformational impact of cancer-associated SF3B1 mutations depends on the position and the charge of amino acid substitution 1 Jan, 2021 Nom de la revue Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal Christine Canbezdi, Malcy Tarin, Alexandre Houy, Dorine Bellanger, Tatiana Popova, Marc-Henri Stern, Sergio Roman-Roman, Samar Alsafadi DOI 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.02.012 Teams / Core Facilities DNA Repair and Uveal Melanoma (D.R.U.M) MARC-HENRI STERN Translational Research Department SERGIO ROMAN ROMAN Members Image MARC-HENRI STERN Team Leader mailgooglelinkedinwebsiteresearchgate Image TATIANA POPOVA Permanent Researcher Image SERGIO ROMAN ROMAN Head of Translational Research Department mailwebsite Image ALEXANDRE HOUY Bioinformatic Scientist mail Image MALCY TARIN Engineer maillinkedin Image CHRISTINE CANBEZDI PhD Student maillinkedinwebsite