
Research and Development

CRISPR’it core facility is currently developing new approaches related to CRISPR-based genetic screens:


  • In vivo genetic screen on xenograft derived from patients (PDX)

This project is funded by Curie Institute SIRIC (Site de Recherche Intégré sur le Cancer)


  • Perturb-Seq: After pooled transduction of the cells, the screen is analysed by the quantification of transcriptome at single cell level. sgRNA capture in cells then allow the association of gene disruption with perturbation of the transcriptome.

This project is conjointly carried out by CRISPR’it and NGS core facility.


Results are still preliminary and do not allow us to routinely offer those services. Nonetheless, if you are interested by those approaches, feel free to contact us if you are willing to help us developing them.