Actualité - AACR

AACR 2018 : Institut Curie’s work well represented


The American Association for Cancer Research’s annual meeting will be held in Chicago from April 14 to April 18. More than 30 presentations and posters from Institut Curie’s collaborators will be presented.

AACR 2018 français

Each year, AACR’s annual meeting is an opportunity de focus on the ultimate discoveries in cancer research, from basic to clinical research. Internationnally renowned experts meet to share the results of their work and build collaborations.
This year, about 50 researchers from Institut Curie will be in Chicago to present their work.


  • An oral presentation by Dr Anaïs Boulai will focus on the latest conclusions of the ESOPE study on metastatic breast cancers.
  • Clotilde Thery, from the Research Center, will talk during a session focusing on extracellular vesicles, her main topic of research
  • About 30 posters from Institut Curie's collaborators will also be presented during these four days. Among them, let’s mention the one presented by Maud Kamal on the first results of RAIDs trial on cervical cancers, and two posters, from Marc-Henri Stern and Charlotte Proudhon, on ciruclating DNA. Dr Keyvan Rezaï will present his research on phototherapy.

Follow upates and find out more on Institut Curie’s collaborators presentations and posters on this page and on Twitter (@Institut_Curie).
The AACR program


The AACR program


AACR meeting - in figures