Actualité - Corporate

Prof. Steven Le Gouill, new Director of the Hospital Group at Institut Curie


As of September 1, 2021, Prof. Steven Le Gouill takes over as Director of the Hospital Group at Institut Curie. A physician specialized in onco-hematology and hailing from academia, he has over 20 years’ experience in healthcare, research, teaching and management.

Portrait Pr Steven Le Gouill - nouveau direction de l'ensemble hospitalier

« Strengthening innovation to benefit the patient »

As of September 1, 2021, Prof. Steven Le Gouill takes over as Director of the Hospital Group at Institut Curie. A physician specialized in onco-hematology and hailing from academia, he has over 20 years’ experience in healthcare, research, teaching and management. His future missions include establishing and implementing the strategy for the “MC21-2” institutional project for 2023-2027[1].


Through its values and its history for over 100 years, Institut Curie has a profoundly humanistic approach which I plan to pursue, above all to benefit cancer patients but also to benefit research and medical innovation with special attention for health professionals.  Despite uncertainty about how the pandemic will evolve, we will continue with our current projects as well as build new ones

Explains Prof. Steven Le Gouill, Director of the Hospital Group at Institut Curie.

Prof. Le Gouill’s medical and scientific work, his knowledge of the fundamentals of medicine and economics, the cancer ecosystem and the French healthcare system are recognized both nationally and internationally. I am excited at the prospect of his expertise and skills being put to work for our patients, our health professionals and our medical and scientific community

Adds Prof. Thierry Philip, Chairman of the Executive Board of Institut Curie.

Quality, expertise, partner patients and looking to the future

One of my aims will be to strengthen the synergies that exist between the Hospital Group and the Research Centre and to create new ones. I will strive to ensure the sphere of influence of Institut Curie and its appeal, and to build national and international networks, in conjunction with universities and top schools

Declares Prof. Steven Le Gouill

After having been head of the Hematology department at the Nantes University Hospital, and directing a vast hospital university division focused on research, Prof. Le Gouill’s mission will revolve around deploying innovation and strengthening the appeal and development of translational research, in order to shore up Institut Curie’s position as an international player in progress that will define the oncology of the future (including precision medicine, immunotherapy, nanomedicines and therapeutic vaccines).

On arrival, Prof. Steven Le Gouill also plans to fully continue with the commitment to democracy in health and science “so that future breakthrough innovations bring better and faster benefit to patients, who themselves have an important role to play in terms of changing practices” he explains. The new director will build up therapeutic education programs so that patients can contribute more to their care and become true partners to the medical teams.

Le parcours du Pr Steven Le Gouill en quelques dates clés :

- 2021 : Chef du pôle hospitalo-universitaire 1 (comprenant les services d’hématologie, dermatologie, néphrologie, gastro-entérologie, urologie et chirurgie viscérale) du CHU de Nantes

- 2018 – 2021 : Chef du service d’hématologie, CHU de Nantes

- 2020 : Président du Conseil scientifique du LYSA (réseau de recherche clinique sur le lymphome) et coordinateur national du registre français des CAR-T cells (DESCAR-T)

- 2011-2020 : Directeur du programme CLIP2 (label délivré par l’INCa aux centres de phase précoce) du CHU de Nantes, CHU d’Angers et ICO

- 2013-2017 : Directeur médical de la DRCI du CHU de Nantes

- 2010 : Professeur des Universités

- Depuis 1999, membre de l’équipe de recherche « Regulatoin of Bcl-2 and p53 networks in multiple myeloma and Mantle-cell lymphoma », UMR 1232, Centre de recherche en cancérologie et immunologie Nantes-Angers (CRCINA, Inserm/CNRS/Universités de Nantes et d’Angers)

 [1] Named MC21 for Marie Curie in the 21st century, the MC21 Institutional project number 2 introduces the vision and strategy of Institut Curie for the years 2023 to 2027, in line with the guidelines established by the French state as part of the 2021-2030 ten-year anti-cancer strategy.