Actualité - Precision Medicine

Maud Kamal: the art of coordination


Maud Kamal, scientific manager in charge of precision medicine project coordination at the hospital group, was awarded the first edition of the Curie award on Tuesday November 7. This award marked the 150th anniversary of Marie Curie’s birth, and recognized the work of this dynamic and ambitious young woman.

Maude Kamal

This award reflects the efforts of everyone,” explained Maud Kamal from the outset. A hard-working collaborator, brilliant but modest, Maud Kamal reminds us that this award is a recognition of the work of all Institut Curie staff who supported her in the various projects.

Since 2012, physicians and researchers have been working side by side to conduct far-reaching precision medicine projects. The fact that these entities are cooperating today is thanks to her patience and understanding. From the patient record to molecular biology, she understands the big picture when it comes to projects, and takes part in decision-making and in dialogs between the hospital group and the research platforms. SHIVA, RAIDS, SCANDARE... These studies are underway and those involved are shaping the future of oncology. The goal? To achieve an ever increasing personalization of therapies. One of the difficulties involves being able to provide caregivers with biological analysis results that can be used, within timelines that are compatible with treating patients. With her efficient organization and fostering solidarity between the various teams, Maud makes sure that these challenges are met on a daily basis.

A true all-round talent

A graduate of the American University in Lebanon, Maud Kamal earned a scholarship for her master’s degree in molecular biology in Canada, then moved to France in 2003 to complete her PhD. Attracted by the combination of laboratory work and management, this young woman then considered an alternative to the world of research. She answered an ad and joined Institut Curie in late 2011.

Her daily work encompasses a variety of missions, including coordinating teams involved in the various projects, monitoring patients and studies, drafting scientific and financial reports and scientific articles as well as managing the molecular RCP (multidisciplinary consultation meeting). “What I love about my job is that I am learning every day thanks to these people who take the time to teach me,” recounts Maud. This young woman has a passion for her work, and her words convey her gratitude towards those who have helped her to implement the projects that she has taken on:“ At Institut Curie we are fortunate to have skills that cannot be found elsewhere. We are exploring new avenues, continuing our efforts, because everyone wants us to move forward.” This is also the legacy of Marie Curie. Beginning with nothing, armed with daring and perseverance, and contributing a little more each day to the progress of science.