

Hôpital - Paris
Spécialités / domaines
Anesthésiologie réanimation chirurgicale
Functions within Institut Curie:
  • Practitioner

Doctor Abdelmalek Ghimouzis an anaesthetist and physician of pain.He developed the concept of "standing seated Patient". This concept consists in simplifying the course of care of patients during the surgery. The patients are hospitalized on the day of the surgery. They go to the operating room on foot, dressed in pajamas and return to their rooms on a wheelchair.

He has also set up Intrathecal analgesia. This technique consists in treating the rebellious pain by setting up a catheter at the level of the central nervous system in relation to the spinal cord.

Dr. Ghimouz is involved in clinical research. He regularly submits abstracts and posters in different congresses. He is the coordinator of the Pain Congress which is held every 2 years at the Curie Institute.