

Research Director Inserm
Recherche - Paris
Spécialités / domaines
Cell biology,
Integrative tumor biology, immunology and environment,
Functions within Institut Curie:

Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil has headed a research laboratory at Institut Curie since 2004. She has published 92 referenced scientific articles / journals and obtained two patents. She has received more than 50 invitations to give seminars and conferences in France and abroad, has participated in and / or organized numerous international courses and conferences (> 40), including the prestigious "Keystone, EMBO and Gordon Conferences".

Over the course of her career, she has obtained several honors, including the Thesis Prize of the "French Association for Therapeutic Research" (1998), the Olga Sain Prize of the "League against Cancer" (2009), the Prize Gaston Rousseau of the Académie des Sciences (2012), the INSERM Research Prize (2018). She was elected a member of EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) in 2018. She received in 2021 the “Grand Prix Charles Defforey” de l’Institut de France. Since April 1st 2021, Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil is the director of the “Immunity & Cancer Department (Inserm U932)” at the Institut Curie.

Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil's scientific career has been built on the use of multidisciplinary approaches to understand, at different scales, the functioning of cells in the immune system. In 2008, she set up a consortium including cell biologist M. Piel (I. Curie) and theoretical physicist R. Voituriez (UPMC, Paris). Their goal was to apply quantitative imaging and microfluidics to the study of molecular mechanisms and physical principles governing the ability of cells of the immune system to move. Their work has opened up a still unexplored line of research into the mechanisms that allow dendritic cells, the sentinels of immunity, to coordinate their function(s) with their migration in time and space. They have given rise to more than 25 publications, including some in very prestigious journals such as Science, Cell, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Physics, Developmental Cell, etc. and the obtaining of several funding, including two projects awarded by the "European Research Council ”.
