

Recherche - Paris
Spécialités / domaines
Cell biology,
Molecular biology,
Cellular and Tissue Imaging,
Microscopie optique,
Functions within Institut Curie:

Following a master's degree in biotechnology, I obtained my PhD from King's college London where i studied neuroscience, and more specifically the interactions between glia and neurons in drosophila. I then did a postdoct on the same topic at the COllège de France, this time using mouse models. I learned different techniques such as electrophysiology but most importantly super resolution STED microscopy. I then specialized in super resolution microscopy by becoming research engineer at curie institute, working at the imaging platform.

Specialized replication mechanisms maintain genome stability at human centromeres
Molecular Cell
Andrea Scelfo, Annapaola Angrisani, Marco Grillo, Bethany M. Barnes, Francesc Muyas, Carolin M. Sauer, Chin Wei Brian Leung, Marie Dumont, Marine Grison, David Mazaud, Mickaël Garnier, Laetitia Guintini, Louisa Nelson, Fumiko Esashi, Isidro Cortés-Ciriano, Stephen S. Taylor, Jérôme Déjardin, Therese Wilhelm, Daniele Fachinetti