Network :

The Cell and Tissue Imaging Platform (PICT) provides services, training and technological innovation in cellular imaging to academic and private scientific communities, in life science and health.
The platform is labelled “Infrastructure in Biology, Health and Agronomy” (IBiSA) and is a member of the France-BioImaging & Euro-Bioimaging infrastructures.
Our expertise covers multi-scale imaging from the molecule to the organism in the field of cancer research. The imaging center is composed of 3 poles: photonic microscopy, electron microscopy & CryoEM and high-content screening (HCS, Biophenics).

- Provide state-of-the-art technologies and expertise in photonic, electron & CryoEM microscopy, HCS (Biophenics) and image analysis,
- Provide training, assistance and advice to users,
- Carry out technical, methodological and software developments,
- Collaborate on science and technology projects,
- Participate in the dissemination of knowledge (training courses, congresses, open lab, etc.) at national and international level.
The platform is open to all researchers, both internal and external to the Institut Curie.
Two recent publications :
- Júlia Torné, Dominique Ray-Gallet, Ekaterina Boyarchuk, Mickaël Garnier, Patricia Le Baccon, Antoine Coulon, Guillermo A. Orsi & Geneviève Almouzni.
Two HIRA-dependent pathways mediate H3.3 de novo deposition and recycling during transcription
Nature Structural & molecular biology : - Aurélie Bertin , Nicola de Franceschi , Eugenio de la Mora , Sourav Maiti, Maryam Alqabandi, Nolwen Miguet, Aurélie di Cicco, Wouter H. Roos, Stéphanie Mangenot , Winfried Weissenhorn, Patricia Bassereau
Human ESCRT-III polymers assemble on positively curved membranes and induce helical membrane tube formation
Nature Communications : 11 : 2663 : DOI : 10.1038/s41467-020-16368-5
A little about the facility history…
PICT-IBiSA at Institut Curie won official recognition as an operational platform in life sciences (“Cell Imaging” Platforms coordination RIO) in 2003. This recognition has been renewed by the labeling of the PICT by the GIS IBiSA (Infrastructure in biology, health and agronomy – in 2008. PICT-IBiSA is a member of the consortium France BioImaging ( since 2011.
Since 2007, in close collaboration with Nikon France, Nikon BV and other industrial partners, PICT-IBiSA also hosts and administers the Nikon Imaging Centre @ Institut Curie-CNRS (, one of three centers of this kind in Europe, one of the nine, worldwide.
Research themes
Development - 15/02/2022
See authors
Nature Communications - 01/12/2021
See authors
Nature Communications - 01/12/2020
See authors
Nature Communications - 01/12/2020
See authors
Nature - 20/02/2020
See authors
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology - 11/10/2019
See authors
Life of the team
Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet 7 Tour at the Institut Curie
The Cell and Tissue Imaging Platform (PICT) of the Institut Curie will host the Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet 7 Tour workshop from January 24 to 27, 2023. Demonstrations will be organized with researchers on the Lattice Lightsheet 7, Lightsheet 7 and Elyra 7 microscopes from Zeiss
Training on Light microscopy (in french) - 6 février 2023
IFSEM Training (CNRS)
The PICT platform organizes jointly with the Collège-de-France, Institut Cochin and IFSEM (CNRS) an advanced microscopy training (in French): "Microscopies de super résolution". It will take place from 6-9 February 2023.
Competition for the most beautiful scientific image - 1 octobre 2022
The PICT and Institut Curie are organizing a competition for the most beautiful scientific image.
This competition, open to all, will crown the 12 most beautiful images for the edition of a 2023 calendar.
Don't forget to participate and vote to elect your 3 most beautiful images !!
More information on our intranet.
Training on Light microscopy (in french) - 28 novembre 2022
INSERM Training
The PICT platform organizes jointly with the Collège-de-France and INSERM a microscopy training (in French): "Microscopies de fluorescence : plein-champs, confocale, spinning, super résolution". It will take place from November 28 to December 2, 2022. Online registration on the website :
Satisfaction survey 2022 - 31 août 2022
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our satisfaction survey.
Results are available here :
We will do our best to offer you a service closer to your expectations.