

Recherche - Paris
Spécialités / domaines

I am a post-doctoral researcher in bioinformatics on cancer biology in collaboration with Josh Waterfall and Sophie Postel-Vinay (at Institut Gustave Roussy). I am particularly interested in the prediction of epitope presentation on the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I.

After a training in fundamental mathematics at the École normale supérieure, I did my PhD in computer science and mathematics at the École polytechnique under the supervision of Gilles Schaeffer and Éric Fusy, during which I mainly worked on enumerative combinatorics.

Multi-omics comparison of malignant and normal uveal melanocytes reveals molecular features of uveal melanoma
Cell Reports
David Gentien, Elnaz Saberi-Ansari, Nicolas Servant, Ariane Jolly, Pierre de la Grange, Fariba Némati, Géraldine Liot, Simon Saule, Aurélie Teissandier, Deborah Bourc’his, Elodie Girard, Jennifer Wong, Julien Masliah-Planchon, Erkan Narmanli, Yuanlong Liu, Emma Torun, Rebecca Goulancourt, Manuel Rodrigues, Laure Villoing Gaudé, Cécile Reyes, Matéo Bazire, Thomas Chenegros, Emilie Henry, Audrey Rapinat, Mylene Bohec, Sylvain Baulande, Radhia M’kacher, Eric Jeandidier, André Nicolas, Giovanni Ciriello, Raphael Margueron, Didier Decaudin, Nathalie Cassoux, Sophie Piperno-Neumann, Marc-Henri Stern, Johan Harmen Gibcus, Job Dekker, Edith Heard, Sergio Roman-Roman, Joshua J. Waterfall
Pembrolizumab for Persistent, Recurrent, or Metastatic Cervical Cancer
New England Journal of Medicine
Nicoletta Colombo, Coraline Dubot, Domenica Lorusso, M. Valeria Caceres, Kosei Hasegawa, Ronnie Shapira-Frommer, Krishnansu S. Tewari, Pamela Salman, Edwin Hoyos Usta, Eduardo Yañez, Mahmut Gümüş, Mivael Olivera Hurtado de Mendoza, Vanessa Samouëlian, Vincent Castonguay, Alexander Arkhipov, Sarper Toker, Kan Li, Stephen M. Keefe, Bradley J. Monk